FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Riabinina, O., Potter, C. (2013.10.1). New and improved QF constructs and insertions from Christopher Potter. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center by Olena Riabinina and Christopher Potter, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
P{n-syb-QF2.P} expresses a new and less toxic variant of QF (QF2) pan-neuronally under the control of n-syb.
P{n-syb-QF2.P}attP2 is a semi-viable insertion on the third chromosome in an attP site at 68A4,  3L:11063638 .
M{n-syb-QF2.P} expresses a new and less toxic variant of QF (QF2) pan-neuronally under the control of n-syb.
M{n-syb-QF2.P}ZH-86Fb is an insertion on the third chromosome in an attP site at 86F8,  3R:7634081 .
P{alphaTub84B-QF2.P} expresses a new and less toxic variant of QF (QF2) under the control of alphaTub84B.
P{alphaTub84B-QF2.P}1 is a semi-viable insertion on the third chromosome.
P{alphaTub84B-QF2.P}2b is a semi-viable insertion on the second chromosome.
P{n-syb-QF2w.P} expresses a variant of QF2 that is a weaker transactivator (and shows slightly less toxicity than QF2 when ubiquitously expressed) under the control of n-syb.
P{n-syb-QF2w.P}attP2 is a viable insertion on the third chromosome in an attP site at 68A4,  3L:11063638 .
P{Act5C-QF2w.P} expresses a variant of QF2 that is a weaker transactivator (and shows slightly less toxicity than QF2 when ubiquitously expressed) under the control of Act5C.
P{Act5C-QF2w.P}2b is an insertion on the second chromosome.
P{alphaTub84B-QF2w.P} expresses a variant of QF2 that is a weaker transactivator (and shows slightly less toxicity than QF2 when ubiquitously expressed) under the control of alphaTub84B.
P{alphaTub84B-QF2w.P}2 is an insertion on the second chromosome.
P{alphaTub84B-QF2w.P}6 is an insertion on the third chromosome.
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