FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Cook, K., Christensen, S., Cook, K. (2008.10.20). Isolation and characterization of Df(1)BSC641. 
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Text of Personal Communication
From: 	Kevin Cook <kcook@XXXX>
To: 	FlyBase-Cambridge <flybase-cambridgeXXXX>, kaufmanXXXX, Stacey Christensen <sjchristXXXX>, Kim Cook <ruacookXXXX>
Subject: 	Isolation and characterization of Df(1)BSC641
Date: 	Mon, 20 Oct 2008  09:19:36  -0400  ( 14:19  BST)
Isolation and characterization of Df(1)BSC641
Kim Cook, Stacey Christensen and Kevin Cook
Bloomington Stock Center
Indiana University
Df(1)BSC641 was isolated as a FLP recombinase-induced recombination 
event involving P{XP}Fimd03334 and PBac{RB}CG8142e04583. The 
deletion was isolated as a chromosome lacking miniwhite markers in 
progeny of P{XP}Fimd03334/PBac{RB}CG8142e04583; MKRS, 
P{hsFLP}86E/+ females crossed to Binsinscy/Y males. These females 
were heat shocked as larvae as described in Parks et al., Nature 
Genetics 36: 288-292, 2004 (FBrf0175003). This cross and crosses in 
preceding and succeeding generations maintained the original genetic 
background of the Exelixis insertion stocks (Thibault et al., Nature 
Genetics 36: 283-287, 2004; FBrf0175002). The recombination event 
generated the genetic element P+PBac{XP5.RB3}BSC641 from the segment 
of P{XP}Fimd03334 to the left of its FRT site and the segment of 
PBac{RB}CG8142e04583 to the right of its FRT site. Its presence was 
verified using the PCR methods and primers described in Parks et al. 
with the substitution of the primer 
5'-GCTTCTAAACGCTTACGCATAAACGATG-3' for the RB3' plus or RB3' minus 
primer in the Hybrid PCR protocol in the Supplementary Methods. The 
cytological breakpoints of Df(1)BSC641 predicted from the Release 5 
genomic coordinates of the transposable element insertions sites are 
15F9;16E1. The presence of a deletion was confirmed cytologically, 
though the breakpoints were not analyzed in detail.
Kevin Cook, Ph.D.               Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Department of Biology           http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu
Jordan Hall 142
Indiana University              812-856-1213
1001 E. Third St.               812-855-2577 (fax)
Bloomington, IN  47405-7005     kcook@XXXX
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    Language of Publication
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    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (1)
    Insertions (3)
    Transgenic Constructs (1)