FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Parks, A. (2004.5.12). InR constructs and insertions. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004  15:19:39  \-0500
To: rd120XXXX, flybase-updatesXXXX, Annette Parks
From: Kevin Cook <kcook@XXXX>
Subject: InR constructs and insertions
The following information was provided by Annette Parks of Exelixis, Inc.
In P{GMR-InR.Exel}, InR (FBgn0013984) coding sequences corresponding to
accession AAC47458 were cloned into P{Express-glass}.
P{GMR-InR.Exel}1 is a homozygous and hemizygous viable and fertile, X
chromosome insertion.
P{GMR-InR.Exel}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{GMR-InR.Exel}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome
In P{UAS-InR.Exel}, InR (FBgn0013984) coding sequences corresponding to
accession AAC47458 were cloned into P{Express-UAS}.
P{UAS-InR.Exel}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
In P{sev-InR.Exel}, InR (FBgn0013984) coding sequences corresponding to
accession AAC47458 were cloned into either P{Express-sev1x} or
P{sev-InR.Exel}1 is a homozygous and hemizygous viable and fertile, X
chromosome insertion.
P{sev-InR.Exel}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{sev-InR.Exel}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome
In P{UAS-InR.del}, InR sequence deleted from Eco47III to XhoI to delete
most of the alpha subunit was cloned into P{Express-UAS}. This construct
mimics a construct expressing a constitutively active human InR described
by Ellis et al., 1987 (Mol Endocrin.  1:15-24 ).
P{UAS-InR.del}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{UAS-InR.del}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion.
In P{GMR-InR.del}, InR sequence deleted from Eco47III to XhoI to delete
most of the alpha subunit was cloned into P{Express-glass}. This construct
mimics a construct expressing a constitutively active human InR described
by Ellis et al., 1987 (Mol Endocrin.  1:15-24 ).
P{GMR-InR.del}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{GMR-InR.del}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome insertion.
In P{UAS-InR.R418P}, InR sequences encoding a constitutively active R418P
variant protein were cloned into P{Express-UAS}. This fly variant protein
mimics the human K86P protein variant of Longo et al., 1993 (PNAS 90: 60-64).
P{UAS-InR.R418P}1 is a homozygous and hemizygous viable and fertile, X
chromosome insertion.
P{UAS-InR.R418P}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
In P{GMR-InR.R418P}, InR sequences encoding a constitutively active R418P
variant protein were cloned into P{Express-glass}. This fly variant
protein mimics the human K86P protein variant of Longo et al., 1993 (PNAS
90: 60-64).
P{GMR-InR.R418P}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{GMR-InR.R418P}3 is a third chromosome insertion.
In P{UAS-InR.K1409A}, InR sequences encoding a dominant negative K1409A
protein variant were cloned into P{Express-UAS}.
P{UAS-InR.K1409A}1 is a homozygous and hemizygous viable and fertile, X
chromosome insertion.
P{UAS-InR.K1409A}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{UAS-InR.K1409A}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome
In P{GMR-InR.K1409A}, InR sequences encoding a dominant negative K1409A
protein variant were cloned into P{Express-glass}.
P{GMR-InR.K1409A}1 is a homozygous and hemizygous viable and fertile, X
chromosome insertion.
P{GMR-InR.K1409A}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{GMR-InR.K1409A}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome
In P{UAS-InR.A1325D}, InR sequences encoding a constitutively active A1325D
variant protein were cloned into P{Express-UAS}. This fly variant protein
mimics the human V938D protein variant of Longo et al., 1992 (J Biol. Chem.
 267:12416-9 ).
P{UAS-InR.A1325D}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{UAS-InR.A1325D}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome
In P{GMR-InR.A1325D}, InR sequences encoding a constitutively active A1325D
variant protein were cloned into P{Express-glass}. This fly variant
protein mimics the human V938D protein variant of Longo et al., 1992 (J
Biol. Chem.  267:12416-9 ).
P{GMR-InR.A1325D}2 is a homozygous viable and fertile, second chromosome
P{GMR-InR.A1325D}3 is a homozygous viable and fertile, third chromosome
Kevin Cook, Ph.D. Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Department of Biology http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu
Jordan Hall 142
Indiana University 812-856-1213
1001 E. Third St. 812-855-2577 (fax)
Bloomington, IN 47405-3700 kcook@XXXX
Related Publication(s)
Personal communication to FlyBase

Correction for P{UAS-InR.R418P} and P{GMR-InR.R418P}.
Parks, 2020.2.14, Correction for P{UAS-InR.R418P} and P{GMR-InR.R418P}. [FBrf0245157]

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