FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Steward, R. (2000.8.14). l(2)W mutations. 
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Text of Personal Communication
From kcook@XXXX Mon Aug 14  18:18:15  2000
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Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000  12:23:28  \-0500
To: flybase-updates@XXXX
From: Kevin Cook <kcook@XXXX>
Subject: l(2)W mutations
Mime-Version: 1.0
From: Kevin Cook, Bloomington Stock Center
Subject: l(2)W mutations
The following information accompanied stocks donated by Ruth
Steward, Rutgers University (7/00).
The following EMS alleles were isolated in Liu and Steward, Development
126(20): 4477--4488, 1999 (FBrf0111416).
Locus Alleles
l(2)W1 1A2, 15C6, 15C10, 22F3, F19.10, J19.16, A22.4, D22.11
l(2)W2 4A5, D9.15, C18.10
l(2)W3 B
shark 1 (shark1 was originally l(2)W4G)
l(2)W5 11F5, 16G4, N, P, D6.8, H9.9, B10.5, E14.1, F15.2, C16.16
l(2)W6 24J11, 25B14, 26C14
l(2)W7 J10.3
Lis1 21C14, 23F2, D, G10.14
l(2)W9 B15.6, D19.8, D20.8
l(2)W10 7D14, 9A10, 25A6, 28A11, C, J, D6.4
l(2)W11 3B11, 12C14, 14E5, S, B1.1, B10.15, C10.3, G22.4
Khc** 6D10, 12C1, 10B12, 7J9, 16E8, A4.12, G5.8, K5.14, B14.5, I14.6, A20.6
l(2)W13 27E5, K, A16.14, F18.5, C23.5
l(2)W14 H, I1.14
l(2)W15 I
l(2)W16 O
l(2)W17 J3.8
l(2)W18 C20.16
l(2)W19 A10.15
\*\*l(2)W12 is a synonym of Khc, so the gene entries should be merged.
Kevin Cook, Ph.D. Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Department of Biology http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu
Jordan Hall 142
Indiana University 812-855-5782
1001 E. Third St. 812-855-2577 (fax)
Bloomington, IN 47405-3700 kcook@XXXX
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