FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Lammel, U. (2000.5.19). UAS-brk. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000  09:30:57  +0200
To: Chihiro Yamada <cy200@XXXX>
From: uwe lammel <lammel@XXXX>
Subject: Re: FlyBase Query (cy579)
Dear Dr Yamada,
the UAS-brk described in section 2.4 was generated by us with the described
cDNA clone GM06062 from the BDGP and was full length cloned in the pUAST
using NotI and KpnI.
Best regards
>Dear Dr Lammel,
>I am currently curating your paper for FlyBase:
>Lammel et al., 2000, Mech. Dev.92(2): 179--191
>I have a quick question I was hoping you could answer for me.
>In section 2.4 you mention a UAS-brk construct. I was wondering, did
>you use the Jazwinska construct used in:
>Jazwinska et al., 1999, Cell 96(4): 563--573
>Jazwinska et al., 1999, Development 126(15): 3323--3334
>Expression of brk cDNA is governed by UAS regulatory sequences.
>If this is not the case, could you give me some more information on the
>allele used? Did you make it yourselves? If so could you give me some
>more molecular details about this construct?
>I hope to hear from you soon.
>Chihiro Yamada.
>FlyBase (Cambridge),
>Department of Genetics,
>University of Cambridge,
>Downing Street, email: c.yamada@XXXX
>Cambridge, CB2 3EH, Ph : 01223-333963
>UK. FAX: 01223-333992
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (2)
    Genes (2)
    Experimental Tools (1)
    Transgenic Constructs (1)