FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Tworoger, M., Larkin, M.K., Bryant, Z., Ruohola-Baker, H. (1999). Mosaic analysis in the Drosophila ovary reveals a common hedgehog-inducible precursor stage for stalk and polar cells.  Genetics 151(2): 739--748.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
The fates of two small subgroups of the ovarian follicle cells appear to be linked: mutations in Notch, Delta, fs(1)Yb, or hedgehog cause simultaneous defects in the specification of stalk cells and polar cells. Both of these subgroups are determined in the germarium, and both cease division early in oogenesis. To test the possibility that these subgroups are related by lineage, we generated dominantly marked mitotic clones in ovaries. Small, restricted clones in stalk cells and polar cells were found adjacent to each other at a frequency much too high to be explained by independent induction. We therefore propose a model in which stalk cells and polar cells are derived from a precursor population that is distinct from the precursors for other follicle cells. We support and extend this model by characterization of mutants that affect stalk and polar cell formation. We find that ectopic expression of Hedgehog can induce both polar and stalk cell fate, presumably by acting on the precursor stage. In contrast, we find that stall affects neither the induction of the precursors nor the decision between the stalk cell and polar cell fate but, rather, some later differentiation step of stalk cells. In addition, we show that ectopic polar and stalk cells disturb the anterior-posterior polarity of the underlying oocyte.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC1460513 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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