FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Bellen, H. (1998.8.10). Patterns of insertions of lacZ reporter constructs. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Personnal communication from:  Hugo Bellen
To: Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center
Background: patterns of insertions of lacZ reporter constructs
Information communicated:  
"Insertion","Embryo","Larva","Adult Ovary"
"P{lArB}A215.1M3",,,"germarium (region 3), nurse cells (stage 10)"
"P{lArB}A229.1F1",,"brain, all discs, uniform",
"P{lArB}l(3)B48.1M3[1]","amnioserosa & dorsal epidermis boundary, double row of cells in dorsal epidermis",,"follicle cells (stage 9), epithelial sheath, muscular sheath, trachea"
"P{lArB}puc[A251.1F3]","amnioserosa & dorsal epidermis boundry, double row of cells in dorsal epidermis",,"follicle cells (stage 10)"
"CyO, P{lArB}A480.1M2","amnioserosa, heart",,"follicle cells (stages 12 & 13)"
"P{lArB}A355.1F3","amnioserosa, heart",,"germarium (region 2), nurse cells (stage 8), oocyte nucleus (stage 10B), ooplasm (stage 13)"
"P{lArB}A308.1M3","amnioserosa, heart, head, hindgut, CNS subset",,"no staining"
"CyO, P{lArB}A350.1M2","CNS, anal pads (rim), salivary glands, head, amnioserosa & dorsal epidermis boundary",,"follicle cells, border cells"
"CyO, P{lArB}A79.1M2","fat body","brain, leg disc, wing disc",
"P{lArB}A49.1M2","fat body (stage 16), blood cells (stage 17)",,
"CyO, P{lArB}A109.1F2","fat body, blood cells",,"follicle cells"
"P{lArB}A374.2F1","hindgut, anal pads, head, epidermis",,"no staining"
"P{lArB}A154.2M3","malpighian tubules, head",,"no staining"
"P{lArB}A289.1F1","malpighian tubules, head, CNS subset, PNS",,"germarium, follicle cells, border cells"
"CyO, P{lArB}A203.3F2","malpighian tubules, intersegmental pits",,"germarium (regions 1 & 2?)"
"P{lArB}A409.1F3","mesoderm, trachea",,
"P{lArB}A168.1F1","midgut subset, CNS subset, PNS, head",,"epithelial sheath"
"CyO, P{lArB}A32.1M2","midgut subset, head, posterior spiracles",,"nurse cells (stages 9-11), ooplasm?"
"P{lArB}A292.2F3","midgut subset, proventriculus, gastric caecae",,"germarium (regions 1-3), follicle cells (stages 1-14), squamous follicle cells (stages 9-14)"
"P{lArB}B72.1M3","midgut subset, proventriculus, hindgut, posterior spiracles, anal pads",,"follicle cells (stages 9-14), squamous follicle cells (stages 12-14)"
"P{lArB}A490.2M3","midgut, head",,
"CyO, P{lArB}A336.1F2","midgut, head",,"germarium (region 2), border cells (stages 9 & 10)"
"P{lArB}A119.1M3","midgut, head, epidermis",,"follicle cells (stage 8)"
"P{lArB}A487.1M3","muscle",,"no staining"
"P{lArB}B21.1M3","muscle",,"no staining"
"P{lArB}A418.1F1","muscle, PNS, head",,"no staining"
"P{lArB}l(3)A519.1F3[1]","nurse cells (stage 10), ooplasm (stage 14)",,
"CyO, P{lArB}A507.2M2","pole cells, brain, posterior spiracles",,"no staining"
"CyO, P{lArB}A495.1M2","pole cells, head, posterior spiracles","brain, leg disc",
"CyO, P{lArB}A4.1M2","salivary glands, foregut, hindgut, pharynx, esophagus, posterior spiracles, head, gonads",,"gerarium (region 1), follicle cells (stages 2 or 3-14), squamous follicle cells (stages 9-14)"
"CyO, P{lArB}A66.2F2","salivary glands, head",,"nurse cells (stage 10), follicle cells (stage 12), squamous follicle cells (stage 12), ovariole sheath muscle"
"P{lArB}A189.2F3","salivary glands, pharynx, malphighian tubules, CNS subset, posterior spiracles, head, posterior midgut, foregut",,"no staining"
"P{lArB}C40.1S3","unidentified cells",,"follicle cells, border cells"
"CyO, P{lArB}A176.1M2","visceral mesoderm (stage 12)",,"no staining"
"CyO, P{lArB}Fas3[A183.1F2]","visceral mesoderm, clypeolabrum, segment boundary",,"germarium (region 2), border cells, follicle cells"
"CyO, P{lArB}B39.1M2","yolk",,"no staining"
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