FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Costa, M. (1995.10.30). fogRA67
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
PubMed ID
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Text of Personal Communication
FAX: 00-1-206-667-6522
Dear Michael,
I have a question about an allele of fog you used in your Cell paper:
\*x FBrf0068458 == Costa et al., 1994, Cell 76(6): 1075--1089
You call it fog[RA67].
Is it possibly the same chromosome as Df(1)RA67, from the Umea stock list?
>U-#18350 Df(1)RA67 / FM7, y[31d] sc[8] w[a] sn[X2] v[Of] g[4] B[1] / y[+]
> Ymal[106]
>Breakpts: ?; 20B-D
>Center: Umea Stock Center Contact: Karin Ekstrom karin.ekstrom@XXXX
Many thanks for your help,
best wishes,
From mcosta@XXXX Mon Oct 30  23:01:50  1995
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 95  14:56:28  PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii'
To: rd120@XXXX
From: mcosta@XXXX
Subject: fog[RA67]
Content-Length: 1631
Dear Rachel,
The RA67 allele of fog mentioned in my Cell paper is at least derived from
the the stock called Df(1)RA67 and quite possibly identical to it. When I
tested the Df(1)RA67 strain that Eric Wieschaus had in the lab, I found
that it complemented all mutations tested on both the proximal and distal
side of fog. Therefore, I started calling it fog[RA67] since there was no
genetic evidence that our allele was a deficiency. I never checked
cytologically for a deletion in this strain and never found any molecular
evidence of a deletion. Len Kelly has also found that his stock labelled
Df(1)RA67 also behaves genetically as a simple fog mutation, and it is not
clear whether Eric got his allele from Len or the Umea stock center. In
any case, either the original complementation tests were done wrong for
this strain (as I suspect), or the strain that Eric and Len have has
changed from a deficieny to a fog allele over time. Obviously, if you plan
to use this strain you should do the complementation tests on the stock you
Feel free to send an e-mail message if you need further info.
Mike Costa
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Dept. of Basic Sciences, A3-013
Seattle, WA 98109
phone:(206) 667-4085
FAX: (206) 667-3650
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