FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Balancer/Genotype variant: Dmel\TM3-P{Δ2-3}
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Short Genotype
TM3, ryRK Sb1 P{Delta2-3}99B
Parent Aberration
Parent Cytology
3Lt - 65E | 85E - 79E | 100C - 100F2 | 92D1 - 85E | 65E - 71C | 94D - 93A | 76C - 71C | 94F - 100C | 79E - 76C | 93A - 92E1 | 100F3 - 3Rt

G. Reuter, G. Hoffmann, R. Dorn, J. Gausz and H. Saumweber.

Stocks (0)
Other Information

P{Δ2-3}99B introduced into a TM3-vKa chromosome as a result of reciprocal exchange caused by X irradiation. The resulting balancer has no additional rearrangement, and carries the P{Δ2-3}99B insertion at 99B, as in the original P{Δ2-3}99B chromosome.

Synonyms and Secondary IDs (2)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
TM3, ryRK Sb1 P{Delta2-3}99B
Name Synonyms
Secondary FlyBase IDs
  • FBba0000052
References (4)