FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\fors2
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General Information
D. melanogaster
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Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
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Disease-implicated variant(s)
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Detailed Description

The 'food leaving' behaviour score for fors2 flies is low for flies raised in food-deprived conditions and high for flies raised in well-fed conditions. However, the increase in the score from FD to FED is greater for forR than fors or fors2 flies.

The increase seen in metabolite content of adult heads in fors2 flies raised on food-deprived versus well-fed conditions is greater than forR flies in the case of carbohydrates, but less than forR flies in the case of lipids.

In well-fed conditions, adult forR flies have almost twice as much energy stored in whole-body lipid and about half the energy stored in carbohydrates compared to adult fors or fors2 flies.

fors and fors2 flies exhibit less food-related plasticity than forR flies for a large majority of behavioural, metabolic and gene expression traits.

fors2 flies exhibit a reduced sucrose responsiveness.

Fifteen minutes after a single conditioning cycle or a spaced (five conditioning cycles separated by 20-minute intervals) protocol, forR homozygous mutants show stronger avoidance of the odor previously associated with shock than fors or fors2 homozygous mutants .

24 hours after a spaced (five conditioning cycles separated by 20-minute intervals) protocol, the forR homozygous mutants show weaker memory of the association between an odor and shock than fors or fors2 homozygous mutants.

24 hours after a massed (five conditioning cycles immediately after one another) protocol, there is no difference between forR, fors and fors2 homozygous mutants.

Learning performance of fors2 homozygous mutants is indistinguishable from that of fors homozygous mutants.

In the giant neuron culture system spontaneous nerve firing and supernumerary aftershock nerve spikes are evident after cessation of current injections in 42% of neurons. Phenotype is more extreme than for fors. In voltage clamp studies, fors2 neurons show significantly lower levels of both peak and sustained outward currents compared with forR. This phenotype is also more extreme than for fors. Half-activation voltages of the peak (but not sustained) K+ currents in fors and fors2 are shifted towards positive potentials compared with forR. Slopes of voltage dependent activation are similar for the three alleles for both peak and sustained currents. Large amplitude (up to 5nA) spontaneous ejcs occur at high frequency, evoked ejcs that are time-locked to the stimulus show significantly greater amplitude. The number of ectopic nerve points in the muscles of fors, fors2 and forlsR92 correlates with excitability levels of both central neurons and motor axons.

The olfactory response of homozygous forR and homozygous fors2 larvae to a food attractant is not significantly different. The number of homozygous fors2 adult flies in an olfactory trap containing a food medium attractant after 48 hours is significantly greater than that of homozygous forR adult flies. This increased olfactory trap response is also seen in hemizygous fors2 adults. The increased olfactory trap response of fors2 is recessive to the olfactory trap response of the forR allele. The olfactory avoidance responses of forR and fors2 adult flies to propionic acid, ethyl acetate and acetone do not differ significantly.

forR adults walk further from a recently ingested sucrose source than fors2 flies. Csr3 does not increase walking distance in combination with either for allele.

In larval and adult tests, homozygotes show sitter-type behavior.

Homozygous or fors2/fors larvae have a "sitter" phenotype. fors2/forR larvae have a "rover" phenotype.

External Data
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Genetic Interactions
Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Fails to complement
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Notes on Origin

See de Belle et al., 1989, Genetics 123:157--163 . Chromosome carrying fors2 has been cleaned of second site lethal on chromosome originally carrying s(R)164 allele, by recombination.

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References (15)