FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Experimental tool: CRY2(PHR)::C-TEV
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CIBN(ΔNLS)::N-TEV and CRY2(PHR)::C-TEV form the two halves of a light-regulated split protease system. CIBN(ΔNLS)::N-TEV consists of amino acid residues 1-170 of Arabidopsis thaliana CIB1 (TAIR:130033), in which the predicted nuclear localization signal normally found in this peptide sequence has been mutated so that it is non-functional, fused to an N-terminal portion of the TEVp protease. CRY2(PHR)::C-TEV consists of the N-terminal photolyase homology region (PHR) of the Arabidopsis thaliana CRY2 gene (TAIR:28374) fused to a C-terminal portion of the TEVp protease. In response to blue light, the CRY2(PHR) protein is activated and can dimerize with the CIBN(ΔNLS) peptide. This brings the N-TEV and C-TEV fragments together, reconstituting a functional TEVp protease (PMID:28369042).

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