FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Insertion: Dmel\P{GAL4}kluG410
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Also Known As
Klu-Gal4, klumpfuss-GAL4
Inserted Element
Affected gene(s)
Viability / fertility
Associated allele(s)
Stock availability
Genomic Location
Chromosomal Location
3L ( 68A1 )
Sequence Location
Target / Docking site
Member of Large Scale Dataset(s)
Detailed Mapping Data
Chromosome (arm)
Sequence Location
Cytological location (computed by FlyBase)
68A1 (near gene of known cytology)
Cytological location (reported)
Insertion into Natural transposon
Comments concerning location
Sequence Data
Flanking sequence
Inserted Element
Size (Kb)
Component Allele(s)
Molecular map
Affected Gene(s)
Phenotypic Data
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
distribution deduced from reporter (Gal4 UAS)
Tissue/Position (including subcellular localization)
Additional Information

Drives expression in a subset of embryonic neuroblasts, in the posterior spiracle primordium, and in larval proneural clusters. Also drives expression in a complex pattern in imaginal discs.

ScerGAL4klu-G410 drives expression in the developing leg joints in the leg disc at larval and pupal stages, and in adult leg joints.

ScerGAL4klu-G410 drives strong expression in neuroblasts of the procephalon and trunk from stage 9 onwards. Expression is observed in a complex and dynamic pattern throughout much of larval and imaginal development. The imaginal disc pattern is described in detail for klu transcript, and authors state reporter expression has the same pattern. Early in third instar larvae, expression is observed in the prospective wing area of the wing disc. Shortly thereafter, it is restricted to the prospective margin and hinge of the wing. About the same time, expression is observed in the anlagen of the notum and scutellum. Expression is observed in most proneural clusters at or shortly after the time of ac expression. klu expression in these regions precedes the appearance of SOPs and is not continued in the SOPs themselves. Expression in leg discs also starts early in the third instar. The klu expression domain occupies a wedge-like sector encompassing about 1/3 of the circumferenceof the leg disc. Expression is in rings corresponding to the anlagen of the leg segments. Expression in the antennal and dorsal prothoracic discs also occurs in concentric domains. In eye discs, expression starts behind the morphogenetic furrow and extends through the whole anlage. Expression in the larval brain is restricted to the neuroblasts and the proliferation zone of the optic lobes.

Marker for
Reporter construct used in assay
Data on Genetic Line
Line ID
Origin as a multiple insertion line
Progenitor(s) within the Genome
Related Aberration or Balancer
Stocks (0)
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (10)
References (23)