FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Lusk, J.B., Chua, E.H.Z., Kaur, P., Sung, I.C.H., Lim, W.K., Lam, V.Y.M., Harmston, N., Tolwinski, N.S. (2022). A non-canonical Raf function is required for dorsal-ventral patterning during Drosophila embryogenesis.  Sci. Rep. 12(1): 7684.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Proper embryonic development requires directional axes to pattern cells into embryonic structures. In Drosophila, spatially discrete expression of transcription factors determines the anterior to posterior organization of the early embryo, while the Toll and TGFβ signalling pathways determine the early dorsal to ventral pattern. Embryonic MAPK/ERK signaling contributes to both anterior to posterior patterning in the terminal regions and to dorsal to ventral patterning during oogenesis and embryonic stages. Here we describe a novel loss of function mutation in the Raf kinase gene, which leads to loss of ventral cell fates as seen through the loss of the ventral furrow, the absence of Dorsal/NFκB nuclear localization, the absence of mesoderm determinants Twist and Snail, and the expansion of TGFβ. Gene expression analysis showed cells adopting ectodermal fates much like loss of Toll signaling. Our results combine novel mutants, live imaging, optogenetics and transcriptomics to establish a novel role for Raf, that appears to be independent of the MAPK cascade, in embryonic patterning.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC9090920 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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    Sci. Rep.
    Scientific reports
    Data From Reference