FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Admasu, T.D., Chaithanya Batchu, K., Barardo, D., Ng, L.F., Lam, V.Y.M., Xiao, L., Cazenave-Gassiot, A., Wenk, M.R., Tolwinski, N.S., Gruber, J. (2018). Drug Synergy Slows Aging and Improves Healthspan through IGF and SREBP Lipid Signaling.  Dev. Cell 47(1): 67--79.e5.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
There is growing interest in pharmacological interventions directly targeting the aging process. Pharmacological interventions against aging should be efficacious when started in adults and, ideally, repurpose existing drugs. We show that dramatic lifespan extension can be achieved by targeting multiple, evolutionarily conserved aging pathways and mechanisms using drug combinations. Using this approach in C. elegans, we were able to slow aging and significantly extend healthy lifespan. To identify the mechanism of these drug synergies, we applied transcriptomics and lipidomics analysis. We found that drug interactions involved the TGF-β pathway and recruited genes related with IGF signaling. daf-2, daf-7, and sbp-1 interact upstream of changes in lipid metabolism, resulting in increased monounsaturated fatty acid content and this is required for healthy lifespan extension. These data suggest that combinations of drugs targeting distinct subsets of the aging gene regulatory network can be leveraged to cause synergistic lifespan benefits.
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Dev. Cell
    Developmental Cell
    Publication Year
    1534-5807 1878-1551
    Data From Reference
    Chemicals (4)