FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Pfeiffer, B., Rubin, G. (2014.4.17). Constructs expressing FLP variants. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
The following information accompanied stocks donated to the Bloomington Stock Center by Barret Pfeiffer and Gerry Rubin, Janelia Farm Research Campus.
P{20XUAS-FLPD5.PEST}, P{20XUAS-FLPG5.PEST} and P{3XUAS-FLPG5.PEST} are similar to the recombinase constructs described in Nern et al (FBrf0214794). FLP recombinase (FBgn0014444) tagged with a PEST sequence is expressed under the control of 20 or 3 UAS copies. FLPD5 denotes FLP recombinase with an aspartic acid at residue 5 and FLPG5 denotes FLP recombinase with a glycine at residue 5 as described in Nern et al.
P{20XUAS-FLPD5} is similar to the FLP constructs above, except no PEST sequence is present.
P{hs-FLPG5.PEST.Opt} encodes a fly codon-optimized version of FLP recombinase with a glycine at residue 5 and tagged with a PEST sequence, expressed from an Hsp70 promoter.
P{20XUAS-FLPD5.PEST}attP2 and P{20XUAS-FLPD5}attP2 are insertions into P{CaryP}attP2 (FBti0040535) at 68A4,  3L:11063638  (R5).
P{20XUAS-FLPG5.PEST}attP40, P{hs-FLPD5.fco}attP40 and P{3XUAS-FLPG5.PEST}attP40 are insertions into P{CaryP}attP40 (FBti0114379) at 25C6,  2L:5108448  (R5).
P{20XUAS-FLPG5.PEST}attP18 is an insertion into P{CaryP}attP18 (FBti0114370) at 6C12,  X:6650355..6654052  (R5).
P{3XUAS-FLPG5.PEST}su(Hw)attP8 is an insertion into P{CaryIP}su(Hw)attP8 (FBti0131991) at 8E10,  X:9479693..9479763  (R5).
P{hs-FLPD5.fco}attP3 is an insertion into P{CaryP}attP3 (FBti0114365) at 19C4,  X:20201601  (R5).
NOTE: the original text of this Personal Communication pertaining to "P{hs-FLPG5.PEST.Opt}" was edited as a result of the information in FBrf0237684.
Related Publication(s)
Research paper

Multiple new site-specific recombinases for use in manipulating animal genomes.
Nern et al., 2011, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108(34): 14198--14203 [FBrf0214794]

Personal communication to FlyBase

Correction regarding P{hs-FLPG5.PEST.Opt}.
Cook, 2017.12.20, Correction regarding P{hs-FLPG5.PEST.Opt}. [FBrf0237684]

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