FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Merabet, S., Litim-Mecheri, I., Karlsson, D., Dixit, R., Saadaoui, M., Monier, B., Brun, C., Thor, S., Vijayraghavan, K., Perrin, L., Pradel, J., Graba, Y. (2011). Insights into hox protein function from a large scale combinatorial analysis of protein domains.  PLoS Genet. 7(10): e1002302.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
Protein function is encoded within protein sequence and protein domains. However, how protein domains cooperate within a protein to modulate overall activity and how this impacts functional diversification at the molecular and organism levels remains largely unaddressed. Focusing on three domains of the central class Drosophila Hox transcription factor AbdominalA (AbdA), we used combinatorial domain mutations and most known AbdA developmental functions as biological readouts to investigate how protein domains collectively shape protein activity. The results uncover redundancy, interactivity, and multifunctionality of protein domains as salient features underlying overall AbdA protein activity, providing means to apprehend functional diversity and accounting for the robustness of Hox-controlled developmental programs. Importantly, the results highlight context-dependency in protein domain usage and interaction, allowing major modifications in domains to be tolerated without general functional loss. The non-pleoitropic effect of domain mutation suggests that protein modification may contribute more broadly to molecular changes underlying morphological diversification during evolution, so far thought to rely largely on modification in gene cis-regulatory sequences.
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
PMC3203194 (PMC) (EuropePMC)
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    PLoS Genet.
    PLoS Genetics
    Publication Year
    1553-7404 1553-7390
    Data From Reference