FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Parkhurst, S. (2011.4.14). ChFP constructs and insertions. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
The following stock descriptions were sent to the Bloomington Stock Center by Susan Parkhurst, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
1. Flies carrying a transgene that has the actin binding domain of Moesin fused to Cherry fluorescent protein (ChFP) and driven constitutively with the sqh promoter.
w1118  P{w+, sChMCA}#12      (X chromosome insert)
w1118; P{w+, sChMCA}#22      (2nd chromosome insert)
w1118; P{w+, sChMCA}#31      (3rd chromosome insert)
These are described in:
Abreu-Blanco MT, Verboon JM and Parkhurst SM (2011). Cell wound repair in Drosophila occurs through three distinct phases of membrane and cytoskeletal remodeling. J. Cell Biol., in press.
The relevant info is:
A fusion of ChFP and the moesin actin binding site was generated as follows: the moesin actin binding domain was amplified by PCR from genomic DNA with primers designed based on the sequence for sGMCA reported by Kiehart et al. 2000 (J. Cell Biol.  149:471-490 ), then fused to ChFP and cloned in the pSqh5'+3'UTR vector as a SmaI-BamHI fragment. Following the naming by Kiehart's group, this construct was named sChMCA for sqh driven, ChFP protein, moesin alpha-helical-coiled and actin binding site.
The pSqh5'+3'UTR expression vector was constructed containing a 1.3-kilobase genomic fragment covering the sqh promoter inserted into the PstI and StuI sites of pCasper4. A fragment containing a region of the sqh 3' untranslated region (530 base pairs) was then cloned downstream of the promoter into the XbaI and BamHI sites. The proteins of interest were then cloned between the sqh promoter and the 3' UTR in the pSqh5'+3'UTR plasmid using the StuI and XbaI sites.
2. Balancer chromosomes (FM7, CyO, and TM3,Sb) carrying a transgene that expresses just ChFP under the control of the sqh promoter. Basically these are 'red' balancers that allow sorting genotypes in the early embryo.
We have:
FM7a, P{w+; sChFP}
w1118; Sco/CyO, P{w+, sChFP}
w1118; Gl/TM3, Sb P{w+, sChFP}
We are just submitting a paper that describes these. The relevant info is:
To generate "red" balancers for embryo sorting, ChFP was cloned into the StuI and XbaI sites of the pSqh5'+3'UTR plasmid (described above). This construct was named sChFP for sqh driven, ChFP protein. This construct was injected into FM7a, w1118; Sco/CyO, and w1118; Gl/TM3, Sb lines and insertions on the respective balancer chromosome were selected.
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Data From Reference
    Aberrations (3)
    Alleles (3)
    Balancers (6)
    Genes (4)
    Natural transposons (1)
    Insertions (6)
    Experimental Tools (1)
    Transgenic Constructs (2)