FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Lasko, P. (2000.2.1). Question about vasa mutations. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000  19:07:26  -0500 (EST)
From: Beverley Matthews <bmatthew@XXXX>
Subject: question about vasa mutations
To: Paul_Lasko@XXXX
Cc: bev@XXXX
Dear Dr. Lasko,
I am a curator for FlyBase and am working on the annotation of the
genomic sequence. I am currently working on vasa and wanted to include
the sites of the mutations from the Liang et. al. 1994 Development
I can't seem to find amino acid coordinates for some of the mutations
mapped in the paper. I have found the following changes
vas[HE1] (vas[HE] in paper) 	R170S
vas[4] (vasO11] in paper) 	I271N
vas[AS]				H520Y
vas[5] (vas[O14] in paper)      I257M (the amino acid change is said to
be in codon 256 but the nucleotide change is supposed to be ATA -> ATG.
I255 and I256 are ATT and I257 is ATA so I guessed that the change is
in I257. Can you confirm?)
Can you tell me what codons are changed in vas[3F], vas[4C], vas[D5],
vas[PW72] (vas[PW] in paper), and vas[6] (vas[Q6] in paper)?
Also can you tell me exactly where the 4bp insertion is in vas[QS17]?
Any information you can provide will be kept as a personal
communication to FlyBase and used as a reference for the annotation.
Thanks for your help.
Beverley Matthews
Subject: Re: question about vasa mutations
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000  10:07:48  -0500
x-sender: plasko1@XXXX
From: plasko1 <Paul_Lasko@XXXX>
To: "Beverley Matthews" <bmatthew@XXXX>
Dear Beverley,
Here are the correct amino acid coordinates for the vas mutations:
vas[HE1] R170S
vas[AS] H520Y
vas[3F] G587E
vas[4C] P268S
vas[D5] G552E
vas[PW72] S518F
vas[Q6] V465M
vas[O14] I271M
vas[O11] I256N
I'll be back about the QS17 mutation, that will take some digging...
All the best,
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