FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Devenport, D. (2005.3.2). Helping FlyBase: ADRC-50509. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
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PubMed Central ID
Text of Personal Communication
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005  13:22:33  \+0000 (GMT)
From: 'Rachel Drysdale (Genetics)' <rd120@XXXX>
Subject: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-50509
To: dd245@XXXX
Cc: rd120@XXXX
Dear Danelle,
We are currently curating the abstracts for the upcoming 46th
(San Diego) Annual Drosophila Research Conference, for FlyBase.
I am writing in connection with your abstract:
The FERM protein, fermitin, is part of the core integrin adhesion complex that
is essential for integrin function during morphogenesis.
You mention gene symbols that are new to FlyBase, Fit1 and Fit2. Do
you know which of the Genome Project CG annotations your genes
correspond to? All the CGs have corresponding gene records in FlyBase
already and we don't like to make duplicate records for what is
actually the same gene unless we can't avoid it. The CG symbols become
synonyms when an annotation is named with a more descriptive or
functional name.
With best wishes,
From: Danelle Devenport <dd245@XXXX>
Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-50509
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005  14:26:01  \+0000
To: 'Rachel Drysdale (Genetics)' <rd120@XXXX>
Dear Rachel,
We have named CG14991 'fit1' and CG7729 'fit2', which are short for
'fermitin1' and 'fermitin2', respectively.
As far as we know, no other synonyms have been used for CG14991 or
CG7729. We chose the name 'fermitin' because it is descriptive about
its domain composition (a single FERM domain), ends with 'in' like
other proteins it cooperates with (integrin, talin, paxillin), and its
catchy too!
Is it a suitable time for me to contact fly base about making these
officical synonyms? Or does one usually wait until the names have been
published in a scientific journal?
Thanks very much,
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    Data From Reference
    Genes (2)