FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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zur Lage, P.I., Powell, L.M., Prentice, D.R., McLaughlin, P., Jarman, A.P. (2004). EGF receptor signaling triggers recruitment of Drosophila sense organ precursors by stimulating proneural gene autoregulation.  Dev. Cell 7(5): 687--696.
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Research paper
In Drosophila, commitment of a cell to a sense organ precursor (SOP) fate requires bHLH proneural transcription factor upregulation, a process that depends in most cases on the interplay of proneural gene autoregulation and inhibitory Notch signaling. A subset of SOPs are selected by a recruitment pathway involving EGFR signaling to ectodermal cells expressing the proneural gene atonal. We show that EGFR signaling drives recruitment by directly facilitating atonal autoregulation. Pointed, the transcription factor that mediates EGFR signaling, and Atonal protein itself bind cooperatively to adjacent conserved binding sites in an atonal enhancer. Recruitment is therefore contingent on the combined presence of Atonal protein (providing competence) and EGFR signaling (triggering recruitment). Thus, autoregulation is the nodal control point targeted by signaling. This exemplifies a simple and general mechanism for regulating the transition from competence to cell fate commitment whereby a cell signal directly targets the autoregulation of a selector gene.
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Secondary IDs
    Language of Publication
    Additional Languages of Abstract
    Parent Publication
    Publication Type
    Dev. Cell
    Developmental Cell
    Publication Year
    1534-5807 1878-1551
    Data From Reference
    Alleles (9)
    Genes (8)
    Physical Interactions (1)
    Sequence Features (3)
    Natural transposons (1)
    Insertions (1)
    Experimental Tools (3)
    Transgenic Constructs (7)