FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Strutt, D. (2003.10.8). Arm-Fz-GFP and Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP constructs. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003  11:05:24  \+0100 (BST)
From: David Strutt <D.Strutt@XXXX>
To: Chihiro Yamada <cy200@XXXX>
Subject: Re: FlyBase Query (cy2078)
Dear Chihiro,
Below, I've tried to compile a definitive list of the constructs actually
made and used in the Mol Cell paper, and then I've listed where the
Arm-Fz-GFP and Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP constructs have been
subsequently used, both in our publications and others. Hopefully this is
a complete list, although I might have missed a usage by another group.
Best wishes,
\* Constructs made and used in experiments described in Strutt, 2001,
Molec. Cell 7(2): 367--375
Stable line with the FRT-Stop-FRT excised was generated for:
Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-FzP278L-EYFP = Act5C-FzP278L-EYFP
(Note that I didn't generate a stable line of the form Act5C-Fz-EYFP \-
expression of Fz-EYFP was always induced by co-expression of FLP in a
Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP background.)
For simplicity, both EGFP and EYFP are referred to as GFP in the
manuscript. In the wing, both the Act5C and Arm promoter constructs give
the same results, so I also don't distinguish between them in the text.
\* Fz-GFP constructs used in subsequent publications
Strutt et al., 2002, Curr. Biol. 12(10): 813--824
In this paper I used both Arm-Fz-EGFP and Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP
transgenes. Arm-Fz-GFP is referred to as Fz-GFP in text and figures,
whereas Act-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP is referred to as Fz-YFP (and is only
used for one mosaic experiment in figure 4).
Strutt and Strutt, 2002, Dev. Cell 3(6): 851--863
Here again, both Arm-Fz-EGFP and Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP transgenes are
used. In figure 1, where Fz-GFP distribution in dsh and ds clones in
analysed, I used Arm-Fz-GFP and referred to it as Fz-GFP. In the
experiments in figures 2 and 3, where we induce Fz-GFP expression using
hsFLP1, we use the original Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP transgene from the
Mol Cell paper (and often abbreviated it to >>Fz on the figure panels).
Strutt and Strutt, 2003, Current Biology 13(16):1451--1457
Here we used only Arm-Fz-EGFP.
\* Our Fz-GFP constructs used by other groups in subsequent publications
Both Arm-Fz-EGFP and Act5C-FRT-Stop-FRT-Fz-EYFP transgenes have been
distributed, depending upon what was requested and whether it seemed
likely they would want to induce mosaic expression. However, I believe
that all the published examples used Arm-Fz-EGFP.
To my knowledge these are:
Tree et al., 2002, Cell 109(3): 371--381
Ma et al., 2003, Nature 421(6922): 543--547
Yang et al., 2002, Cell 108(5): 675--688
He & Adler, 2002, BMC Dev Biol. 2002 May 3;2(1):7
Adler, 2002, Dev Cell. 2002 May;2(5):525-35
\- although Ma et al and Yang et al don't actually show any pictures of
Fz-GFP ('data not shown')
Dr. David Strutt
Centre for Developmental Genetics
Department of Biomedical Science
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
S10 2TN
Tel.: \+44 114 22 22 372
Fax.: \+44 114 22 22 788
e-mail: d.strutt@XXXX
Related Publication(s)
Research paper

Asymmetric localization of frizzled and the establishment of cell polarity in the Drosophila wing.
Strutt, 2001, Mol. Cell 7(2): 367--375 [FBrf0134764]

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