FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Lnenicka, G.A., Spencer, G.M., Keshishian, H. (2003). Effect of reduced impulse activity on the development of identified motor terminals in Drosophila larvae.  J. Neurobiol. 54(2): 337--345.
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Publication Type
Research paper
In Drosophila larvae, motoneurons show distinctive differences in the size of their synaptic boutons; that is, axon 1 has type Ib ("big" boutons) terminals and axon 2 has type Is ("small" boutons) terminals on muscle fibers 6 and 7. To determine whether axon 1 develops large boutons due to its high impulse activity, we reduced impulse activity and examined the motor terminals formed by axon 1. The number of functional Na(+) channels was reduced either with the nap(ts) mutation or by adding tetrodotoxin (TTX) to the media (0.1 microg/g). In both cases, the rate of locomotion was decreased by approximately 40%, presumably reflecting a decrease in impulse activity. Locomotor activity was restored to above wild-type (Canton-S) levels when nap(ts) was combined with a duplication of para, the Na(+)-channel gene. Lucifer yellow was injected into the axon 1 motor terminals, and we measured motor terminal area, length, the number of branches, and the number and width of synaptic boutons. Although all parameters were smaller in nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae compared to wild-type, most of these differences were not significant when the differences in muscle fiber size were factored out. Only bouton width was significantly smaller in both different nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae: boutons were about 20% smaller in nap(ts) and TTX-treated larvae, and 20% larger in nap(ts); Dp para(+) compared to wild-type. In addition, terminal area was significantly smaller in nap(ts) compared to wild-type. Bouton size at Ib terminals with reduced impulse activity was similar to that normally seen at Is terminals. Thus, differences in impulse activity play a major role in the differentiation of bouton size at Drosophila motor terminals.
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    J. Neurobiol.
    Journal of Neurobiology
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