FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Chang, H. (2003.2.10). Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10015. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
From rd120@XXXX Mon Feb 10  09:50:14  2003
To: henry@XXXX
Subject: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10015
Dear Henry,
We are currently curating the abstracts for the upcoming 44th
(Chicago) Annual Drosophila Research Conference, for FlyBase.
I am writing in connection with your abstract:
The Roles of Hsc70 and Rme-8 in Clathrin-mediated Endocytosis.
You mention a gene symbol that is new to FlyBase, Rme-8. Do you know
which of the Genome Project CG annotations your gene corresponds to?
All the CGs have corresponding gene records in FlyBase already and we
don't like to make duplicate records for what is actually the same gene
unless we can't avoid it. If your gene does not correspond to a CG
then perhaps you could tell me its genomic location, as this is
valuable information for the genome annotation project.
Thank you very much for your help,
with best wishes,
Rachel Drysdale, Ph.D.
FlyBase (Cambridge),
Department of Genetics,
University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, email: rd120@XXXX
Cambridge, CB2 3EH, Ph : 01223-333963
UK. FAX: 01223-333992
FlyBase: http://fly.ebi.ac. uk:7081 /
From henry@XXXX Mon Feb 10  16:35:08  2003
To: Rachel Drysdale (Genetics) <rd120@XXXX>
Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10015
Hi Rachel,
Rme-8 is CG8014 at 45B3. I kept this name from the homolog first
identified in C.elegans. Rme stands for Receptor Mediated Endocytosis
which is quite appropriate for the description of its function. As
far as allele goes, it is allelic with l(2)45Ba. Although this is
information is not yet published, it should be out soon because I am
currently preparing a manuscript on this.
Hope this helps.
Henry Chang
Department of Cell Biology
Yale University School of Medicine
SHM C435
333 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06510
From henry@XXXX Wed Feb 12  21:47:13  2003
To: Rachel Drysdale (Genetics) <rd120@XXXX>
Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10015
Hi Rachel,
The mutation in l(2)45Ba is single nucleotide (G to A) substitution
at amino acid position 1287 (normally a tryptophan, W). This mutation
generates a premature stop codon at that amino acid position.
From rd120@XXXX Wed Feb 12  21:54:29  2003
To: henry@XXXX
Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10015
Hi Henry,
thanks for this ...
>The mutation in l(2)45Ba is single nucleotide (G to A) substitution
>at amino acid position 1287 (normally a tryptophan, W). This mutation
>generates a premature stop codon at that amino acid position.
I'm not quite clear which allele this is ...
From henry@XXXX Thu Feb 13  15:42:33  2003
To: Rachel Drysdale (Genetics) <rd120@XXXX>
Subject: Re: Helping FlyBase: ADRC-10015
Hi Rachel,
l(2)45Ba3. The mutant available from Bloomington. I generated other
alleles as well but they haven't been sequenced yet.
Henry Chang
Department of Cell Biology
Yale University School of Medicine
SHM C435
333 Cedar St.
New Haven, CT 06510
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