FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Andrew, D. (2001.5.22). Insertion line P1959. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001  09:10:59  \-0400
From: Debbie Andrew <dandrew@XXXX>
Subject: RE: FlyBase query (cy1131,1132)
To: Chihiro Yamada <cy200@XXXX>
Reply to: RE: FlyBase query (cy1131,1132)
Dear Dr. Yamada,
1959 is a placW insert generated in the Scott lab, which I mapped to 67C.
I don't have records for the embryonic expression pattern, but it gives
expression in the imaginal discs, including the most distal cells of the
leg imaginal discs, the notal portion of the wing imaginal disc and the eye
portion of the eye-antennal disc.
I hope this information is helpful.
Debbie Andrew
Chihiro Yamada wrote:
>Dear Drs Scott and Andrew.
>I am currently curating a paper for FlyBase:
>Hiller et al. 2001, Genes Dev. 15(8): 1021--1030
>In this paper a insertion line P1959 is mentioned. Following the
>reference given for this line,
>Lin et al., 1996, Development 122(4): 1331--1341
>I find the line:
>'The w+ bearing P-element insert Is(3)1959, was generated in the
>laboratory of M.Scott and localised cytologically by D. Andrew'
>Can either of you tell me which transposon was used to generate P1959?
>Is the insertion a P{lacW}? Do you have any other information about
>this line?
>Any new information you give will be curated as a personal
>communication from you to FlyBase, if thats fine with you.
>Thanks for your time.
>Chihiro Yamada.
>FlyBase (Cambridge),
>Department of Genetics,
>University of Cambridge,
>Downing Street, email: c.yamada@XXXX
>Cambridge, CB2 3EH, Ph : 01223-333963
>UK. FAX: 01223-333992
> From: Chihiro Yamada <cy200@XXXX>
> Subject: FlyBase query (cy1131,1132)
> To: dandrewXXXX, scottXXXX
Deborah J. Andrew
Dept. of Cell Biology and Anatomy
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
725 N. Wolfe St.
Baltimore, MD 21205-2196
Ph: 410-614-2722
FAX: 410-955-4129
email: dandrew@XXXX
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