FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reference Report
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Whitfield, E. (2000.5.4). FlyBase error report for CG7740 on Thu May 4 01:52:28 2000. 
FlyBase ID
Publication Type
Personal communication to FlyBase
PubMed ID
PubMed Central ID
Text of Personal Communication
From FlyBase-error@XXXX Thu May 04  09:47:42  2000
Envelope-to: gm119@XXXX
Delivery-date: Thu, 4 May 2000  09:47:42  \+0100
From: FlyBase-error@XXXX
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000  01:52:28  \-0700 (PDT)
X-Authentication-Warning: hedgehog.lbl.gov: web set sender to FlyBase-error
using \-f
To: flybase-updates@XXXX
Cc: eleanor@XXXX
Subject: FlyBase error report
Content-Length: 526
Error report from Eleanor Whitfield (eleanor@XXXX)
Gene or accession: CG7740
Gene annotation error
Gene prominin-like has incorrect exon/intron structure.
Comments: Previously submitted cDNA of prominin-like (AF127935; AAD22487.2 and
AF197345; AAF07212.1) shows that the init Met defined in Celera
sequence AE003477; AAF47716.1 is incorrect. The correct Met is the one
encoded 18 amino acids upstream in the same frame.
Browser: Mozilla/4.06 en (Win95; I)
Accessed from: query.pl, /www/hedgehog_8000/htdocs
From FlyBase-error@XXXX Thu May 04  10:06:31  2000
Envelope-to: gm119@XXXX
Delivery-date: Thu, 4 May 2000  10:06:31  \+0100
From: FlyBase-error@XXXX
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000  02:11:23  \-0700 (PDT)
X-Authentication-Warning: hedgehog.lbl.gov: web set sender to FlyBase-error
using \-f
To: flybase-updates@XXXX
Cc: eleanor@XXXX
Subject: FlyBase error report
Content-Length: 705
PS I also checked for the previous update I sent for prominin-like and the
codons are there too for the upstream 18 amino acid, I forgot to mention
that \- sorry!
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