FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Berg, C. (1996.2.28). 0482 insertion. 
FlyBase ID
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
From eleanor@XXXX Tue Feb 27  10:48:09  1996
From: Eleanor Whitfield (Genetics) <eleanor@XXXX>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 96  10:48:02  GMT
To: berg@XXXX
Subject: Help FlyBase - 0482 insertion
Cc: eleanor@XXXX
Content-Length: 975
Dear Dr. Berg,
I am a curator of FlyBase working at the Cambridge, England, site with
Prof. M. Ashburner.
I am curating your paper:
\*x FBrf0078675 == Horowitz and Berg, 1995, Genetics 139(1): 327--335
in which you mention a pipsqueak P{PZ} insertion allele 0482.
In our genes file the allele 0482 is a mutation of lola.
symbol:		lola
name:		longitudinals lacking
location:	47A11--47A12 by in situ to lola[00642]
allele:		lola[00482]
insertion:	P{PZ}lola[00482]
mutagen:	P-element insertion
discoverer:	A. Spradling
reference: FBrf0067338 == BDGP Project Members, 1994-, Berkeley
Drosophila Genome Project
symbol:		psq
name:		pipsqueak
location:	47B1--47B4
You mention that 0482 chromosome has two insertions, the second insertion
into a neighbouring lethal complementation group. Is this complementation
group lola? If the gene is not lola then are lola and psq the same gene and
the insertion hits another gene?
Eleanor Whitfield
From berg@XXXX Tue Feb 27  18:35:05  1996
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 96  11:16:09  PST
From: 'Celeste Berg' <berg@XXXX>
Reply-To: 'Celeste Berg' <berg@XXXX>
To: eleanor@XXXX
Subject: Re: Help FlyBase - 0482 insertion
Content-Length: 3076
Dear Eleanor:
At the time we submitted that paper (July 1994), we did not know that the second
insertion was in lola. We now have confirmation from Ed Giniger (who is right
down the street at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) that the second
insertion IS in lola.
As a matter of fact, I created a deletion by excising both P elements in 0482,
thus deleting the DNA starting in the big intron of psk (47A10-12) and heading
distally to the site of the second insertion, which Ed Giniger tells me maps
between the two promoters for lola (47A13-16). (These are my and Ed's
mappings... probably not as accurate as Allan's!) That deletion is called
Delta(Greek symbol)18. Ed and our analyses of this deletion show that psk and
lola are transcribed in opposite directions, psk toward the centromere.
Although both genes have BTB domains, they are definitely not the same gene.
We have a paper in review (still waiting to hear - it seems like ages now...)
that describes this deletion but not in as much detail as I've provided for you.
It also states that lola is a hotspot for insertion (there were 10 alleles from
the Spradling lab screen). I did complementation tests with all of our psk
alleles and all of these lola alleles and only 0482 failed to complement psk and
lola. Its clear there were two hits.
Associated Information
Associated Files
Other Information
Secondary IDs
  • FBrf0086793
Language of Publication
Additional Languages of Abstract
Parent Publication
Publication Type
Data From Reference
Aberrations (1)
Alleles (4)
Genes (2)
Insertions (2)