FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
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Spradling, A. (1995.8.11). Egg-chamber-specific transcripts. 
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Personal communication to FlyBase
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Text of Personal Communication
From: Rachel Drysdale (Genetics) <rd120@XXXX>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 95  20:40:39  BST
Message-Id: <9508091940.AA19180@XXXX>
To: spradling@XXXX
Subject: helping flybase!
Cc: rd120@XXXX
Hi Allan,
I'm doing some work on your 1987 paper:
Spradling et al., 1987, EMBO J. 6: 1045--1053
In Figure 1 you show the X chromosome Cp36 and Cp38 genes, and some
other transcripts, A (1200), B (1650), C (960), E (1350) and K (3200).
The numbers in parentheses refer to the bp length identifiers for these
given in:
Wakimoto et al., 1985, Gametogenesis and the Early Embryo. 44th
Symposium of the Society of Developmental Biology, Toronto, Canada,
June 13-15, 1985  (Ed. Gall,J.G.): 43--54
Can you tell me if any if these egg-chamber-specific transcripts
correspond to any named gene?
I found the following candidates in the Encyclopaedia:
\*a fs(1)γa6
\*c 7E10--8A3
\*x FBrf0063948 == ew757 == Wakimoto and Spradling, 1982, Yb. Carnegie Inst.,
Wash. 81: 190
\*a fs(1)γa7
\*c 7E10--8A3
\*x FBrf0063948 == ew757 == Wakimoto and Spradling, 1982, Yb. Carnegie Inst.,
Wash. 81: 190
\*a fs(1)γa8
\*c 7E10--8A3
\*x FBrf0063948 == ew757 == Wakimoto and Spradling, 1982, Yb. Carnegie Inst.,
Wash. 81: 190
\*a fs(1)2448
\*c 7E10--8A3
\*x FBrf0063948 == ew757 == Wakimoto and Spradling, 1982, Yb. Carnegie Inst.,
Wash. 81: 190
\*a fs(1)B4
\*c 7E10--8A3
\*x FBrf0063948 == ew757 == Wakimoto and Spradling, 1982, Yb. Carnegie Inst.,
Wash. 81: 190
\*a pt
\*i l(1)7Fb
\*i fs(1)M47
\*c Located in the 7F region since
\*c included in Df(1)7F1-2;8C6; maps to the left of oc,
\*c which is located at 8A1-2.
\*c included in Df(1)KA14
\*x FBrf0063948 == ew757 == Wakimoto and Spradling, 1982, Yb. Carnegie Inst.,
Wash. 81: 190
Do any of these correspond to any of the transcripts in a one-to-one way?
best wishes
Dear Rachel,
The transcripts define 3 new presumed low abundance chorion protein genes:
1. A  ; 2. B and C  ; 3. D and E
These genes were never named or sequenced.
The fourth gene defined by transcript K was later shown to be fs(1)otu.
None of the genes defined in Barbara Wakimoto's EMS screen described in the 82
Yearbook have been followed up by us, although they were sent to several other
labs.  Best check with her on this one.
I hope you're having a nice summer.
To: spradling@XXXX
Subject: Re: helping flybase!
Cc: rd120@XXXX
Hi Allan,
You wrote
>The transcripts define 3 new presumed low abundance chorion protein genes:
'Presumed low abundance', not 'presumed chorion protein' genes, right?
I must give these A, B/C and D/E genes name(s) as single letter
transcript names won't really do for a variety of reasons.  If you do
know they are chorion protein genes then I can name them accordingly,
as Cp7Fa, Cp7Fb and Cp7Fc.
If you don't know that they are chorion protein genes they will get
(less beautiful) anon-7Fa, b, and c names, unless you suggest
something nicer.
many thanks for your help
From spradling@XXXX Fri Aug 11  14:29:25  1995
Date: 11 Aug 1995  09:29:42  +0000
From: 'Allan Spradling' <spradling@XXXX>
Subject: Re: helping flybase!
To: 'Genetics' <rd120@XXXX>
X-Mailer: Mail*Link SMTP-QM 3.0.2
Content-Length: 1753
        Reply to:   RE>>helping flybase!
Since they reside in an amplified gene cluster and are detectably expressed
only during the time of chorion formation, I would consider them chorion
proteins.  Leave out the 'low abundance'.  Cp7Fa etc., is fine with me.  The
correct reference for these is Parks, Wakimoto and Spradling, 1986, Dev. Biol.
117: 294-305.  The EMBO J. paper just cites this earlier work in fig. 1.
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