FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Recombinant Construct: pUChsΔ2-3
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General Information
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Component Allele(s)
Expression Data
Associated insertion(s)
Molecular map
Description and Uses
Construct components
Sequence Data
Sequence (FB)
Associated Sequence Data
DNA Sequence
Segments and Size
Total Size
Left end
Right end
Phenotypic Data
Component Allele
Phenotypic Data
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Progenitors and Descendants

mapping_comment: CAUTION: Orientation of pUC18 vector segment not certain; identity of Hsp70 segment not certain. Included as non-attributed correction.

report comment: P\TΔ2-3 fused to heat-shock promoter.

sequence comment: CAUTION: discrepancy in total size of FlyBase compiled sequence vs. available map. Orientation of pUC18 vector segment not certain.

report comment: CAUTION: discrepancy in total size of FlyBase compiled map and sequence vs. available map (8.08kb vs 7.3kb).

construct_comment: Reference: D. Rio, unpublished.

construct_comment: P\TΔ2-3 fused to heat-shock promoter.

report comment: CAUTION: Size and identity of Hsp70 fragment not certain; restriction site mapping data conflict with identification as Hsp70Bb.Orientation of pUC18 vector segment not certain. Included as non-attributed correction.

mapping_comment: CAUTION: discrepancy in total size of FlyBase compiled map vs. available map. Orientation of pUC18 vector segment not certain.

sequence comment: CAUTION: Orientation of pUC18 vector segment not certain; identity of Hsp70 segment not certain. Included as non-attributed correction.

report comment: Identity of promoter suspect; heat shock may not be required.

Stocks (0)
Stocks containing insertion(s) of this recombinant construct
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    References (7)