FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Reagent: FlyORF-3
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General Information
D. melanogaster
Reagent type
FlyBase ID
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A set of transgenic constructs for expression of C-terminal HA-tagged protein coding sequences under UAS control.

    See related datasets, FlyORF-2 and FlyORF-1.

    A collection of stocks of UAS-ORF transgenic recombinants that carry the ORF of interest marked by a C-terminal HA epitope tag and preceded by Scer\UAS sequences, Hsp70 promoter sequences and a Kozak consensus sequence for efficient translation. All constructs also carry the w+mC mini-white marker, and all have been introduced by recombination into a site at 86F on the third chromosome. Controlled expression of the ORFs can be effected by introduction of Scer\GAL4 drivers.

    Available from
    Biosample Source
    Tissue isolated
    Other tissues studied
    Cell component
    Cell line
    Key genes
    Sample preparation
    Reagent Details
    Molecular Construct used
    Transgenic Construct used

    Using full-length coding sequences from various sources, ORFs were cloned into a Gateway vector by a two-step PCR strategy: a first round with gene-specific primers which incorporate a Kozak sequence, then a second round using attB primers. After verification of an intact sequence, ORF cassettes were introduced into pGW-HA.attB plasmids which contained randomized barcode sequences. The resulting vectors carry the ORF of interest preceded by Scer\UAS sequences, flanked by mutated Scer\FRT sites, and followed by a C-terminal 3xHA tag; a Sliv\attB recombination site is present downstream of the HA tag. Pools of ORF clones were injected into embryos of a strain carrying M{3xP3-RFP.attP}ZH-86Fb (a phiC31\attP recombination target site on the third chromosome), and a source of integrase on the X-chromosome. Surviving males were mated in pairs; stocks were established using single F1 males, which were subsequently used for single-fly PCR and sequencing to identify the barcode. Lines representing recurring barcodes were discarded.

    Mode of Assay
    Data analysis

    A tagged library holds major advantages over an untagged library: (1) a single antibody can be used to detect any ORF; (2) cross-reaction with related proteins can be avoided, as an antibody specific to the tag can be used; (3) the tagged protein can be distinguished from the endogenous, untagged protein; and (4) immunochemistry becomes possible for even poorly immunogenic proteins or proteins that lack a specific antibody.

    Epitope-tagging may interfere with protein function; the flexible linker included in these constructs is thought to minimize steric interference. Addition of an Scer\FRT site between the ORF and the 3xHA epitope tag allows exchange of the C-terminal sequences, including the epitope tag.

    Associated Data
    Associated features
    2,385 Insertion(s)
    Additional Information
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (3)
    Reported As
    Symbol Synonym
    UAS-ORF tagged library
    Name Synonyms
    A set of transgenic constructs for expression of C-terminal HA-tagged protein coding sequences under UAS control.
    Secondary FlyBase IDs
      References (5)