FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Allele: Dmel\Diap1UAS.cUa
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General Information
D. melanogaster
Saccharomyces cerevisiae UAS construct a of Unknown
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
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Transgenic product class
Nature of the Allele
Transgenic product class
Progenitor genotype
Carried in construct

UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of Diap1.

Allele components
Encoded product / tool
Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
DOES NOT model  carcinoma
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )

The muscle phenotypes associated with Zzzz\CTGi480.Scer\UAS.cGa, which models human myotonic dystrophy type 1, are ameliorated by Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa in an inducible system, but in another experiment using a non-inducible driver, the reduced lifespan caused by Zzzz\CTGi480.Scer\UAS.cGa is exacerbated by Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa.

Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Expression of Diap1UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PS does not lead to any visible changes in the adult eye when compared to controls.

The expression of Diap1UAS.cUa from the second instar larval stage under the combined control of Scer\GAL4ap-md544 and Gal80[ts] has no significant effect on the size of the third instar larval wing disc dorsal compartment.

The expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4nos.PU does not lead to a significant proportion of hyperplastic testes, as compared to controls.

Expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.PU results in a significant decrease in muscle area in dorsoventral sections of the thorax after induction via heat shock, as compared with controls.

Expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PS does not result in any defect in compound eye morphology.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of
NOT Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of
NOT Suppressor of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The co-expression of Diap1UAS.cUa suppresses the smaller size and the apoptosis, while enhancing the polyploidy/aneuploidy, observed in the third instar larval wing disc dorsal compartment upon the expression of pnutGD1512 from the second instar larval stage under the combined control of Scer\GAL4ap-md544 and Gal80[ts].

The triple co-expression of Diap1UAS.cUa, stgUAS.Tag:HA and pnutGD1512 from the second instar larval stage under the combined control of Scer\GAL4ap-md544 and Gal80[ts] leads to the significant enlargement of the third instar larval wing disc dorsal compartment, as compared to the Diap1UAS.cUa, pnutGD1512 double expression condition.

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa partially rescues the wing atrophy phenotype of flies expressing Lsd-1GD6641 under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096.

Expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa suppresses the apoptosis seen in the wing disc when caupScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4salm.EPv. The wing size, vein pattern and wing notching phenotypes are not modified by Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa.

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa rescues the rough eye phenotype of adults, and the eye disc apoptosis and proliferation phenotype of larvae expressing OSCP1Scer\UAS.cHa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PS.

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa rescues heart structural defects seen in Scer\GAL4tin.CΔ4>ScoxGD898 flies.

Expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4mGluR-NP6701 partially suppresses the short lived phenotype of mir-1000KO1/mir-1000KO2 adults and reduces the number of Caspase-3 positive cells seen in the adult brain of these flies. The climbing defects are also rescued.

Overexpression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa in the eye-antennal disc expressing lin-52GD12885, with both transgenes under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, suppresses the increase in apoptosis seen upon downregulation of lin-52 alone.

Expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa suppresses the eye roughness seen when SRm160GE25979 is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU.

The co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa does not suppress the basal delamination of cells observed upon the expression of biScer\UAS.cBa under the control of Scer\GAL4C-765 in third instar larval wing discs.

Additional expression of Diap1UAS.cUa in individuals expressing p53UAS.DΔNp53 under the control of Scer\GAL4sd.PU reduces cell death (activated caspase 3 staining), but does not prevent overgrowths in the wing pouch; these Diap1UAS.cUa and p53UAS.DΔNp53 co-expressing wing discs become smaller upon additional expression of NTRiP.cUa.

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa strongly reduces the cell death induced in wing discs by Scer\GAL4sd.PU-mediated expression of SkpAHM05185.

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa reduces the penetrance of wing blisters in RYBPdsRNA.Scer\UAS.cGa Scer\GAL4en.PU flies.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa suppresses the reduction of eye pigments and weakly suppresses the abnormal formation of ommatidia and bristles and reduced eye size seen in Scer\GAL4GMR.PS>Hsap\BCL2L13Scer\UAS.cNa flies. Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa in Scer\GAL4GMR.PS>Hsap\BCL2L13ΔTM.Scer\UAS flies does not result in eye phenotypes.

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa partially suppresses the decreased muscle area and increased autophagy and apoptosis seen in flies expressing Zzzz\CTGi480.Scer\UAS.cGa under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.PU in response to heat shock; but enhances the shortened lifespan of flies expressing Zzzz\CTGi480.Scer\UAS.cGa under the control of Scer\GAL4Mhc.PW.

Co-expression of Diap1Scer\UAS.cUa suppresses the increased cell death induced by expression of Hsap\APLP1Scer\UAS.cMa driven along the anterior/posterior compartment boundary in third instar larval wing discs by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1.

Inhibition of apoptosis, through co-expression of thScer\UAS.cUa, does not affect the Mmus\Gria1Lc.Scer\UAS eye defect (when all are expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4hs.2sev.

Co-expression of thScer\UAS.cUa using Scer\GAL4GMR.PF markedly suppresses the eye phenotype caused by the expression of Zzzz\aopPScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC.

Expression of thScer\UAS.cUa suppresses the rough eye phenotype seen when Zzzz\aopPScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
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Notes on Origin
External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
Name Synonyms
Saccharomyces cerevisiae UAS construct a of Unknown
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    References (65)