FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
Aberration: Dmel\C(1)RA
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General Information
D. melanogaster
Compound (1) Reversed Acrocentric
FlyBase ID
Computed Breakpoints include
Sequence coordinates
Member of large scale dataset(s)
Nature of Aberration
Cytological Order
Class of aberration (relative to wild type)
Class of aberration (relative to progenitor)
Causes alleles
Carries alleles
Transposon Insertions
Formalized genetic data
Genetic mapping information
Comments on Cytology

C(1)RA, + - In(1)sc8..

Sequence Crossreferences
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Gene Deletion and Duplication Data
Genes Deleted / Disrupted
Complementation Data
Completely deleted / disrupted
Partially deleted / disrupted
Molecular Data
Completely deleted
Partially deleted
Genes NOT Deleted / Disrupted
Complementation Data
Molecular Data
Genes Duplicated
Complementation Data
Completely duplicated
Partially duplicated
Molecular Data
Completely duplicated
Partially duplicated
Genes NOT Duplicated
Complementation Data
Molecular Data
Affected Genes Inferred by Location
    Phenotypic Data
    In combination with other aberrations
    NOT in combination with other aberrations

    Yields frequent detachments resulting from exchange between the Y chromosome and the interstitial heterochromatin of the reversed acrocentric and preferential recovery of the proximal X. Tetrad distribution usually quite abnormal; one-exchange tetrads infrequent and no- and two-exchange tetrads frequent. Exchange frequency increased by addition of Y or y+YL, but tetrad distribution remains abnormal (Sandler, 1954). YL appended as a second arm to C(1)RA normalizes tetrad distribution (Sandler, 1958). Tetrad distribution is normal in more recently recovered C(1)RA chromosomes (Sandler and O'Tousa, 1979), reason for differences between 1954 and 1979 data is unclear. The presence of a Y chromosome or a free-X duplication as a homologue markedly increases both exchange between the elements of the compound and fecundity of compound-bearing females.

    Stocks (307)
    Notes on Origin



    between the proximal heterochromatin of X.YL and the distal heterochromatin of In(1)sc8 or possibly by sister-strand union in one of the heterochromatic segments followed by a normal euchromatic exchange. A frequently recurring event that seems to require the presence of YL. More recent attempts to repeat such constructions have been unsuccessful, except in response to X-irradiation.

    Balancer / Genotype Variants of the Aberration
    Separable Components
    Other Comments
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (3)
    Reported As
    Symbol Synonym
    Name Synonyms
    Compound (1) Reversed Acrocentric
    Secondary FlyBase IDs
      References (5)