FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term gene ID (Ontology) SO:0000704 (Sequence Ontology)
Definition A region (or regions) that includes all of the sequence elements necessary to encode a functional transcript. A gene may include regulatory regions, transcribed regions and/or other functional sequence regions.
Also Known As "INSDC_feature:gene"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
    Results list data from multiple species. Click on a button above and use the 'Filter by species' options on the resulting HitList to retrieve species-specific data.
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Genes (FBgn)  FEATURE_TYPE   14819
Genes (FBgn)  SO_TERMS   15773
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 gene (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)   32869
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
       |__gene  82330 rec.
           |   |__functional_candidate_gene
           |   |__positional_candidate_gene
           |   |__cryptic_promoter
           |   |__cryptogene
           |__engineered_gene 5362 rec.
           |   |__engineered_foreign_gene(+) 4948 rec.
           |   |__engineered_fusion_gene 435 rec.
           |   |__allelically_excluded_gene
           |   |__gene_rearranged_at_DNA_level
           |   |__maternally_imprinted_gene
           |   |__paternally_imprinted_gene
           |__foreign_gene 4948 rec.
           |   |__engineered_foreign_gene(+) 4948 rec.
           |__fusion_gene 435 rec.
           |   |__engineered_fusion_gene 435 rec.
           |__gene_component_region 51362 rec.
           |   |__gene_fragment
           |   |__gene_segment(+)
           |   |__intein_encoding_region
           |   |__non_transcribed_region
           |   |__promoter(+) 51362 rec.
           |__gene_with_non_canonical_start_codon 33 rec.
           |   |__gene_with_start_codon_CUG 12 rec.
           |__gene_with_polycistronic_transcript 445 rec.
           |   |__gene_with_dicistronic_transcript(+) 388 rec.
           |__gene_with_trans_spliced_transcript 26 rec.
           |__mt_gene 39 rec.
           |   |__kinetoplast_gene(+)
           |__ncRNA_gene 3633 rec.
           |   |__enzymatic_RNA_gene(+) 2 rec.
           |   |__gRNA_gene
           |   |__hpRNA_gene 10 rec.
           |   |__lncRNA_gene(+) 2504 rec.
           |   |__RNA_7SK_gene 2 rec.
           |   |__rRNA_gene(+) 158 rec.
           |   |__sbRNA_gene 1 rec.
           |   |__scRNA_gene
           |   |__sncRNA_gene(+) 896 rec.
           |   |__SRP_RNA_gene 2 rec.
           |   |__telomerase_RNA_gene
           |   |__vault_RNA_gene
           |   |__Y_RNA_gene
           |__nuclear_gene 17981 rec.
           |   |__apicoplast_gene
           |   |__chromoplast_gene
           |   |__ct_gene
           |   |__cyanelle_gene
           |   |__leucoplast_gene
           |   |__proplastid_gene
           |__protein_coding_gene 14335 rec.
           |   |__gene_with_edited_transcript 810 rec.
           |   |__gene_with_mRNA_with_frameshift
           |   |__gene_with_polyadenylated_mRNA
           |   |__gene_with_recoded_mRNA(+) 410 rec.
           |   |__endogenous_retroviral_gene
           |   |__recombinationally_inverted_gene
           |   |__recombinationally_rearranged_vertebrate_immune_system_gene
           |   |__wild_type_rescue_gene
           |__retrogene 142 rec.
           |   |__gene_silenced_by_DNA_modification(+)
           |   |__gene_silenced_by_histone_modification(+)
           |   |__gene_silenced_by_RNA_interference
           |   |__floxed_gene
           |__transposable_element_gene 332 rec.
           |   |__engineered_foreign_transposable_element_gene
Spanning Tree View Settings
View Depth
Show hierarchy levels: for parents, for children
hide Relationships
Is a biological_region
Part of
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  • "INSDC_feature:gene" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene "wiki"