FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term axon ID (Ontology) GO:0030424 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The long process of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses, usually away from the cell body to the terminals and varicosities, which are sites of storage and release of neurotransmitter.[ ISBN:0198506732 ]
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN     158
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      67
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 axon (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)     158    214     10     71
     axon | adult stage     202       --       --     144
     axon | adult stage | cell autonomous       5       --       --       4
     axon | adult stage | cell non-autonomous       1       --       --       --
     axon | adult stage | cell non-autonomous | somatic clone       1       --       --       --
     axon | adult stage | conditional       2       --       --       2
     axon | adult stage | decreased number       7       --       --       8
     axon | adult stage | progressive       4       --       --       4
     axon | adult stage | progressive | somatic clone       4       --       --       --
     axon | adult stage | progressive | somatic clone | conditional       1       --       --       --
     axon | adult stage | somatic clone      66       --       --      16
     axon | adult stage | somatic clone | conditional       1       --       --       --
     axon | cell autonomous       1       --       --       --
     axon | cell autonomous | third instar larval stage | conditional       3       --       --       2
     axon | conditional       2       --       --       2
     axon | decreased number       5       --       --       7
     axon | dorsal | embryonic stage       1       --       --       --
     axon | ectopic       2       --       --       1
     axon | embryonic stage      82       --       --      25
     axon | embryonic stage 15       5       --       --       4
     axon | embryonic stage 16       4       --       --       3
     axon | embryonic stage 17 | heat sensitive       2       --       --       2
     axon | embryonic stage | maternal effect       1       --       --       1
     axon | heat sensitive       1       --       --       --
     axon | larval stage      98       --       --      56
     axon | larval stage | conditional      25       --       --      19
     axon | larval stage | progressive       1       --       --       --
     axon | larval stage | somatic clone       5       --       --       3
     axon | larval stage | somatic clone | conditional       1       --       --       --
     axon | late third instar larval stage       2       --       --       1
     axon | P-stage      21       --       --       9
     axon | P-stage | somatic clone      10       --       --       4
     axon | pharate adult stage       3       --       --       2
     axon | progressive       2       --       --       2
     axon | pupal stage      28       --       --      19
     axon | pupal stage | somatic clone      10       --       --       1
     axon | somatic clone      13       --       --       --
     axon | somatic clone | third instar larval stage      16       --       --       --
     axon | somatic clone | third instar larval stage L2       2       --       --       --
     axon | somatic clone | third instar larval stage L2 | heat sensitive       1       --       --       --
     axon | third instar larval stage      96       --       --      61
     axon | third instar larval stage L2       3       --       --       5
     axon | third instar larval stage | conditional      12       --       --       6
     axon | wandering third instar larval stage       5       --       --       5
     colocalizes_with | axon       --       1       --       --
     is_active_in | axon       --      83       --       --
     located_in | axon       --      86       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
  plasma membrane bounded cell projection
   |__neuron projection
       |__axon  734 rec.
           |__axon collateral
           |   |__recurrent axon collateral
           |   |__Schaffer axon collateral
           |__axon cytoplasm 4 rec.
           |__axon hillock
           |__axon microtubule bundle
           |__axonal spine
           |__cerebellar mossy fiber
           |__climbing fiber
           |__distal axon 331 rec.
           |   |__axon terminus(+) 278 rec.
           |   |__growth cone(+) 62 rec.
           |__giant axon 9 rec.
           |__hippocampal mossy fiber
           |   |__dentate gyrus mossy fiber
           |   |__hippocampal mossy fiber expansion
           |__main axon 4 rec.
           |   |__axolemma 1 rec.
           |   |__axon initial segment
           |   |__internode region of axon
           |   |__juxtaparanode region of axon
           |   |__node of Ranvier
           |   |__paranode region of axon
           |   |__varicosity 2 rec.
           |__parallel fiber
           |__pericellular basket
           |__pinceau fiber
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a neuron projection
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