FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term lipid biosynthetic process ID (Ontology) GO:0008610 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of lipids, compounds soluble in an organic solvent but not, or sparingly, in an aqueous solvent.
Also Known As "lipid anabolism" ; "lipid biosynthesis" ; "lipid formation" (for all, see Synonyms field below)
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 lipid biosynthetic process (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       1      6
     involved_in | lipid biosynthetic process       --       6
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
biosynthetic process
 |__organic substance biosynthetic process__
primary metabolic process                   |
 |__lipid metabolic process_________________|
organic substance metabolic process         |
 |__lipid metabolic process_________________|
 |__organic substance biosynthetic process__|
                                            lipid biosynthetic process  296 rec.
                                             |__cellular lipid biosynthetic process 3 rec.
                                             |   |__ergosterol biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__ether lipid biosynthetic process(+) 3 rec.
                                             |__emericellamide biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__emericellamide A biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of emericellamide biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |__fatty acid biosynthetic process 73 rec.
                                             |   |__butyryl-CoA biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__fatty acid elongation(+) 24 rec.
                                             |   |__lipoate biosynthetic process 1 rec.
                                             |   |__long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process(+) 5 rec.
                                             |   |__medium-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process 2 rec.
                                             |   |__methionine catabolic process to 3-methylthiopropanoate
                                             |   |__methyl-branched fatty acid biosynthetic process(+) 1 rec.
                                             |   |__monounsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__mycolic acid biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process(+) 2 rec.
                                             |   |__short-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process(+) 9 rec.
                                             |   |__very long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process 24 rec.
                                             |__fatty acid derivative biosynthetic process 21 rec.
                                             |   |__diaminopimelate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__fatty acid methyl ester biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__fatty acid primary amide biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__fatty alcohol biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process(+) 16 rec.
                                             |   |__Kdo2-lipid A biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__ketone body biosynthetic process(+) 2 rec.
                                             |   |__leukotriene A4 biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__leukotriene B4 biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__leukotriene D4 biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__lipoxin biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__lovastatin biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__wax biosynthetic process(+) 3 rec.
                                             |__glycerolipid biosynthetic process 123 rec.
                                             |   |__acylglycerol biosynthetic process(+) 20 rec.
                                             |   |__glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process(+) 104 rec.
                                             |__isoprenoid biosynthetic process 20 rec.
                                             |   |__apocarotenoid biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process(+) 4 rec.
                                             |   |__isoprenoid biosynthetic process via 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate
                                             |   |__isoprenoid biosynthetic process via mevalonate
                                             |   |__polyprenol biosynthetic process(+) 3 rec.
                                             |   |__prenol biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__terpene biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__terpenoid biosynthetic process(+) 8 rec.
                                             |__lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__keto-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__lipopolysaccharide core region biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__O antigen biosynthetic process
                                             |__membrane lipid biosynthetic process 104 rec.
                                             |   |__glycolipid biosynthetic process(+) 59 rec.
                                             |   |__sphingolipid biosynthetic process(+) 54 rec.
                                             |__neutral lipid biosynthetic process 20 rec.
                                             |   |__acylglycerol biosynthetic process(+) 20 rec.
                                             |__phenolic phthiocerol biosynthetic process
                                             |__phospholipid biosynthetic process 120 rec.
                                             |   |__4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinopyranosyl undecaprenyl phosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__5alpha,9alpha,10beta-labda-8(20),13-dien-15-yl diphosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__beta-L-Ara4N-lipid A biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__ceramide phosphoethanolamine biosynthetic process 1 rec.
                                             |   |__copal-8-ol diphosphate(3-) biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__dolichyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__dolichyl monophosphate biosynthetic process 1 rec.
                                             |   |__farnesyl diphosphate biosynthetic process(+) 2 rec.
                                             |   |__GDP-alpha-D-mannosylchitobiosyldiphosphodolichol biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__geranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process(+) 104 rec.
                                             |   |__isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process(+) 4 rec.
                                             |   |__Kdo2-lipid A biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__lipid A biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__mannosyl-inositol phosphorylceramide biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__phytyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__regulation of phospholipid biosynthetic process(+) 3 rec.
                                             |   |__sphinganine-1-phosphate biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__sphingomyelin biosynthetic process 1 rec.
                                             |__phthiocerol biosynthetic process
                                             |__regulation of lipid biosynthetic process 26 rec.
                                             |   |__negative regulation of lipid biosynthetic process(+) 6 rec.
                                             |   |__positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process(+) 15 rec.
                                             |   |__regulation of abscisic acid biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of butyryl-CoA catabolic process to butanol(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of diacylglycerol biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of dolichol biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__regulation of emericellamide biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of ent-pimara-8(14),15-diene biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process(+) 2 rec.
                                             |   |__regulation of gibberellin biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of isoprene biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthetic process(+) 4 rec.
                                             |   |__regulation of phospholipid biosynthetic process(+) 3 rec.
                                             |   |__regulation of phytol biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of retinoic acid biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of sphingolipid biosynthetic process(+) 4 rec.
                                             |   |__regulation of steroid biosynthetic process(+) 7 rec.
                                             |   |__regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process(+) 4 rec.
                                             |   |__regulation of wax biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |__steroid biosynthetic process 36 rec.
                                             |   |__(17Z)-protosta-17(20),24-dien-3beta-ol biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__andrastin A biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__androst-4-ene-3,17-dione biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__bile acid biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__brexanolone biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__ecdysteroid biosynthetic process(+) 24 rec.
                                             |   |__ergosteryl 3-beta-D-glucoside biosynthetic process
                                             |   |__helvolic acid biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__phytosteroid biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__regulation of steroid biosynthetic process(+) 7 rec.
                                             |   |__steroid hormone biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__sterol biosynthetic process(+) 21 rec.
                                             |   |__testosterone biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |   |__vitamin D biosynthetic process(+)
                                             |__sulfolipid biosynthetic process
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a lipid metabolic process
organic substance biosynthetic process
Part of
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  • "lipid anabolism" EXACT
    "lipid biosynthesis" EXACT
    "lipid formation" EXACT
    "lipid synthesis" EXACT
    "lipogenesis" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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