FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term imaginal disc development ID (Ontology) GO:0007444 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the imaginal disc over time, from its formation to the metamorphosis to form adult structures. Imaginal discs are epithelial infoldings in the larvae of holometabolous insects that develop into adult structures (legs, antennae, wings, etc.).[ ISBN:0879694238 ]
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 Gene Groups Genes Images
 imaginal disc development (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       1     31      7
     involved_in | imaginal disc development       --      31       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
  anatomical structure development
   |__animal organ development
       |__imaginal disc development  643 rec.
           |__clypeo-labral disc development 6 rec.
           |   |__anterior cibarial plate development(+)
           |   |__cibarial fish-trap bristle development(+)
           |   |__clypeo-labral disc morphogenesis(+)
           |   |__clypeus development(+)
           |   |__epistomal sclerite development(+)
           |   |__labrum development(+)
           |   |__posterior cibarial plate development(+)
           |   |__proboscis development(+) 6 rec.
           |__determination of imaginal disc primordium 11 rec.
           |   |__determination of genital disc primordium 10 rec.
           |   |__determination of wing disc primordium 1 rec.
           |__eye-antennal disc development 69 rec.
           |   |__antennal development(+) 28 rec.
           |   |__eye-antennal disc morphogenesis(+) 41 rec.
           |   |__ocellus development(+) 4 rec.
           |__genital disc development 50 rec.
           |   |__analia development(+) 6 rec.
           |   |__determination of genital disc primordium 10 rec.
           |   |__genital disc morphogenesis(+) 22 rec.
           |   |__genital disc pattern formation(+) 8 rec.
           |   |__genital disc sexually dimorphic development 5 rec.
           |   |__imaginal disc-derived genitalia development(+) 27 rec.
           |__haltere disc development 14 rec.
           |   |__haltere development(+) 13 rec.
           |   |__haltere disc morphogenesis(+) 3 rec.
           |__imaginal disc growth 57 rec.
           |   |__regulation of imaginal disc growth(+) 42 rec.
           |__imaginal disc morphogenesis 444 rec.
           |   |__clypeo-labral disc morphogenesis(+)
           |   |__eye-antennal disc morphogenesis(+) 41 rec.
           |   |__genital disc morphogenesis(+) 22 rec.
           |   |__haltere disc morphogenesis(+) 3 rec.
           |   |__histoblast morphogenesis(+) 13 rec.
           |   |__imaginal disc eversion 7 rec.
           |   |__imaginal disc fusion(+) 35 rec.
           |   |__labial disc morphogenesis(+)
           |   |__leg disc morphogenesis(+) 77 rec.
           |   |__morphogenesis of larval imaginal disc epithelium(+) 7 rec.
           |   |__prothoracic disc morphogenesis
           |   |__wing disc morphogenesis(+) 322 rec.
           |__imaginal disc pattern formation 114 rec.
           |   |__anterior/posterior pattern specification, imaginal disc(+) 27 rec.
           |   |__dorsal/ventral pattern formation, imaginal disc(+) 59 rec.
           |   |__genital disc pattern formation(+) 8 rec.
           |   |__imaginal disc lineage restriction(+) 6 rec.
           |   |__leg disc pattern formation(+) 20 rec.
           |   |__proximal/distal pattern formation, imaginal disc(+) 19 rec.
           |   |__wing disc pattern formation(+) 83 rec.
           |__labial disc development 4 rec.
           |   |__labial disc morphogenesis(+)
           |__leg disc development 99 rec.
           |   |__leg disc morphogenesis(+) 77 rec.
           |   |__leg disc pattern formation(+) 20 rec.
           |__prothoracic disc development
           |   |__prothoracic disc morphogenesis
           |__wing disc development 430 rec.
               |__determination of wing disc primordium 1 rec.
               |__notum development(+) 9 rec.
               |__wing and notum subfield formation(+) 13 rec.
               |__wing disc morphogenesis(+) 322 rec.
               |__wing disc pattern formation(+) 83 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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