FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term sensory organ development ID (Ontology) GO:0007423 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The process whose specific outcome is the progression of sensory organs over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
Also Known As "sense organ development"
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 sensory organ development (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      56
     involved_in | sensory organ development      56
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
  anatomical structure development
   |__animal organ development
       |__sensory organ development  557 rec.
           |__amphid sensory organ development
           |   |__glial cell differentiation involved in amphid sensory organ development
           |   |__neuron differentiation involved in amphid sensory organ development(+)
           |__chaeta development 92 rec.
           |   |__chaeta morphogenesis(+) 47 rec.
           |   |__cibarial fish-trap bristle development(+)
           |__ear development
           |   |__ear morphogenesis(+)
           |   |__inner ear development(+)
           |__eye development 459 rec.
           |   |__Bolwig's organ development(+) 14 rec.
           |   |__camera-type eye development(+)
           |   |__compound eye development(+) 431 rec.
           |   |__eye morphogenesis(+) 378 rec.
           |__neuromast development
           |   |__anterior lateral line neuromast development(+)
           |   |__cupula development(+)
           |   |__neuromast deposition(+)
           |   |__neuromast hair cell differentiation(+)
           |   |__neuromast mantle cell differentiation(+)
           |   |__neuromast support cell differentiation(+)
           |   |__posterior lateral line neuromast development(+)
           |__nose development
           |   |__nose morphogenesis
           |   |__olfactory pit development
           |   |__olfactory placode formation
           |__ocellus development 4 rec.
           |   |__ocellus morphogenesis 1 rec.
           |__otic vesicle development
           |   |__otic vesicle morphogenesis(+)
           |__sensory organ boundary specification 26 rec.
           |   |__sensory organ precursor cell fate determination 22 rec.
           |__sensory organ morphogenesis 378 rec.
           |   |__ear morphogenesis(+)
           |   |__eye morphogenesis(+) 378 rec.
           |   |__nematode male tail mating organ morphogenesis
           |   |__nose morphogenesis
           |   |__ocellus morphogenesis 1 rec.
           |   |__taste bud morphogenesis(+)
           |   |__tongue morphogenesis(+)
           |__sensory organ precursor cell division 10 rec.
           |__sex comb development 10 rec.
           |__taste bud development
           |   |__taste bud morphogenesis(+)
           |__tongue development
               |__fungiform papilla development(+)
               |__taste bud development
               |__tongue morphogenesis(+)
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a animal organ development
Part of
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  • "sense organ development" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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