FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term cell fate specification ID (Ontology) GO:0001708 (Gene Ontology)
Definition The cellular developmental process involved in cell fate commitment in which the cell is designated to follow a developmental path, unless they receive extrinsic cues that direct an alternative fate.
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 cell fate specification (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      31
     involved_in | cell fate specification      31
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
cellular process
 |__cellular developmental process__
cell differentiation                |
 |__cell fate commitment____________|
developmental process               |
 |__cellular developmental process__|
cellular developmental process      |
 |__cell fate commitment____________|
                                    cell fate specification  107 rec.
                                     |__abaxial cell fate specification
                                     |__anther wall tapetum cell fate specification
                                     |__bundle sheath cell fate specification
                                     |__cardiac cell fate specification 9 rec.
                                     |   |__cardioblast cell fate specification(+) 8 rec.
                                     |   |__endocardial cushion cell fate specification
                                     |   |__regulation of cardiac cell fate specification(+) 5 rec.
                                     |__cell fate specification involved in pattern specification 8 rec.
                                     |   |__limb basal epidermal cell fate specification
                                     |   |__limb granular cell fate specification
                                     |   |__limb spinous cell fate specification
                                     |   |__notum cell fate specification 5 rec.
                                     |   |__ventral spinal cord interneuron specification(+)
                                     |   |__wing cell fate specification 3 rec.
                                     |__compound eye cone cell fate specification 5 rec.
                                     |   |__regulation of compound eye cone cell fate specification(+) 5 rec.
                                     |__ectodermal cell fate specification 1 rec.
                                     |   |__regulation of ectodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |__endodermal cell fate specification
                                     |   |__regulation of endodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |__endothelial cell fate specification
                                     |   |__blood vessel endothelial cell fate specification(+)
                                     |__eosinophil fate specification
                                     |__epidermal cell fate specification 2 rec.
                                     |   |__limb basal epidermal cell fate specification
                                     |   |__limb granular cell fate specification
                                     |   |__limb spinous cell fate specification
                                     |__epithelial cell type specification, open tracheal system 9 rec.
                                     |   |__fusion cell fate specification 2 rec.
                                     |   |__terminal cell fate specification, open tracheal system 4 rec.
                                     |__glial cell fate specification
                                     |   |__oligodendrocyte cell fate specification(+)
                                     |__mesodermal cell fate specification 5 rec.
                                     |   |__axial mesodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__intermediate mesodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__lateral mesodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__paraxial mesodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of mesodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |__muscle cell fate specification 7 rec.
                                     |   |__vascular associated smooth muscle cell fate specification
                                     |__myoblast fate specification 3 rec.
                                     |   |__myoblast fate specification involved in skeletal muscle regeneration
                                     |__neuroblast fate specification 4 rec.
                                     |__neuron fate specification 31 rec.
                                     |   |__auditory receptor cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__photoreceptor cell fate specification(+) 22 rec.
                                     |   |__spinal cord association neuron specification
                                     |   |__spinal cord commissural neuron specification
                                     |   |__spinal cord motor neuron cell fate specification(+) 1 rec.
                                     |   |__ventral spinal cord interneuron specification(+)
                                     |__plant endodermal cell fate specification
                                     |__plant epidermal cell fate specification
                                     |   |__atrichoblast fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__trichoblast fate specification(+)
                                     |__regulation of cell fate specification 27 rec.
                                     |   |__activation of prostate induction by androgen receptor signaling pathway
                                     |   |__negative regulation of cell fate specification(+) 15 rec.
                                     |   |__positive regulation of cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of atrichoblast fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of cardiac cell fate specification(+) 5 rec.
                                     |   |__regulation of compound eye cone cell fate specification(+) 5 rec.
                                     |   |__regulation of ectodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of endodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of inner ear auditory receptor cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of mesodermal cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of neural crest cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of retinal cone cell fate specification(+)
                                     |   |__regulation of trichoblast fate specification(+)
                                     |__skeletal muscle satellite cell fate specification
                                     |__stem cell fate specification
                                     |   |__neural crest cell fate specification(+)
                                     |__vulval cell fate specification
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a cellular developmental process
Part of cell fate commitment
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