FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term intracellular organelle ID (Ontology) GO:0043229 (Gene Ontology)
Definition Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane.
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       2
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       2
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Constructs
 intracellular organelle (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       2     15      2
     intracellular organelle | adult stage       7       --       7
     intracellular organelle | adult stage | decreased number       2       --       2
     is_active_in | intracellular organelle       --      10       --
     located_in | intracellular organelle       --       6       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
cellular anatomical entity
 |__intracellular anatomical structure__
                                        intracellular organelle  10073 rec.
                                         |__extrinsic component of organelle membrane 7 rec.
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of dense core granule membrane(+)
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of endoplasmic reticulum membrane
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of endosome membrane(+)
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of Golgi membrane
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of intraperoxisomal membrane
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane(+) 2 rec.
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of mitochondrial outer membrane 4 rec.
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of nuclear outer membrane
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of omegasome membrane 1 rec.
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane 1 rec.
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of plastid membrane(+)
                                         |   |__extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane
                                         |__intracellular membrane-bounded organelle 7255 rec.
                                         |   |__acidocalcisome(+)
                                         |   |__anammoxosome
                                         |   |__attachment organelle(+)
                                         |   |__cis-Golgi network(+) 19 rec.
                                         |   |__endoplasmic reticulum(+) 687 rec.
                                         |   |__endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment(+) 26 rec.
                                         |   |__endosperm protein body 12 rec.
                                         |   |__ER body
                                         |   |__exoneme
                                         |   |__eyespot apparatus
                                         |   |__Golgi apparatus(+) 481 rec.
                                         |   |__hydrogenosome(+)
                                         |   |__intracellular vesicle(+) 850 rec.
                                         |   |__karyomere
                                         |   |__magnetosome(+)
                                         |   |__methane-oxidizing organelle
                                         |   |__microbody(+) 113 rec.
                                         |   |__microneme(+)
                                         |   |__migrasome
                                         |   |__mitochondrial derivative(+) 269 rec.
                                         |   |__mitochondrion(+) 1449 rec.
                                         |   |__mitosome
                                         |   |__mononeme
                                         |   |__nucleomorph
                                         |   |__nucleus(+) 3764 rec.
                                         |   |__ocelloid
                                         |   |__omegasome(+) 3 rec.
                                         |   |__pirellulosome
                                         |   |__plastid(+)
                                         |   |__platelet dense tubular network(+)
                                         |   |__polyhydroxyalkanoate granule
                                         |   |__subsynaptic reticulum 37 rec.
                                         |   |__TMEM240-body
                                         |   |__vacuole(+) 357 rec.
                                         |__intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle 4490 rec.
                                         |   |__arciform density
                                         |   |__aster(+) 43 rec.
                                         |   |__bacterial microcompartment(+)
                                         |   |__bacterial nucleoid(+)
                                         |   |__blepharoplast
                                         |   |__centriole 109 rec.
                                         |   |__chlorosome(+)
                                         |   |__chromocenter(+) 43 rec.
                                         |   |__chromosome(+) 1213 rec.
                                         |   |__contractile muscle fiber(+) 1074 rec.
                                         |   |__contractile vacuole complex(+)
                                         |   |__crystalloid
                                         |   |__cytoskeleton(+) 1499 rec.
                                         |   |__deuterosome
                                         |   |__dynein axonemal particle 4 rec.
                                         |   |__encapsulin nanocompartment
                                         |   |__gas vesicle(+)
                                         |   |__goblet cell theca
                                         |   |__kinetochore(+) 71 rec.
                                         |   |__lipid droplet(+) 154 rec.
                                         |   |__mitochondrial cloud
                                         |   |__mitochondrial nucleoid(+) 28 rec.
                                         |   |__nematocyst
                                         |   |__nucleolus(+) 390 rec.
                                         |   |__nucleolus-like body
                                         |   |__plastid nucleoid(+)
                                         |   |__podosome(+) 1 rec.
                                         |   |__postsynaptic specialization, intracellular component(+)
                                         |   |__proteasome storage granule 2 rec.
                                         |   |__protein aggregate center
                                         |   |__pyrenoid
                                         |   |__ribonucleoprotein granule(+) 124 rec.
                                         |   |__ribosome(+) 312 rec.
                                         |   |__spectrosome 77 rec.
                                         |   |__spindle(+) 394 rec.
                                         |   |__synaptic ribbon
                                         |   |__thylakoid(+)
                                         |   |__transmembrane actin-associated (TAN) line
                                         |   |__ventral disc(+)
                                         |__intracellular organelle lumen 1327 rec.
                                         |   |__acidocalcisome lumen
                                         |   |__cytoplasmic vesicle lumen(+) 1 rec.
                                         |   |__endocytic vesicle lumen(+)
                                         |   |__endoplasmic reticulum lumen(+) 13 rec.
                                         |   |__endosome lumen(+)
                                         |   |__ficolin-1-rich granule lumen
                                         |   |__Golgi lumen(+)
                                         |   |__gut granule lumen
                                         |   |__hydrogenosome lumen
                                         |   |__magnetosome lumen
                                         |   |__microbody lumen(+) 2 rec.
                                         |   |__microneme lumen
                                         |   |__mitochondrial matrix(+) 212 rec.
                                         |   |__multivesicular body, internal vesicle lumen
                                         |   |__nuclear lumen(+) 1073 rec.
                                         |   |__organelle envelope lumen(+) 32 rec.
                                         |   |__platelet dense tubular network lumen
                                         |   |__tertiary granule lumen
                                         |   |__vacuolar lumen(+) 2 rec.
                                         |__organelle envelope 653 rec.
                                         |   |__mitochondrial envelope(+) 507 rec.
                                         |   |__nuclear envelope(+) 146 rec.
                                         |   |__organelle envelope lumen(+) 32 rec.
                                         |   |__organelle inner membrane(+) 396 rec.
                                         |   |__organelle outer membrane(+) 78 rec.
                                         |   |__plastid envelope(+)
                                         |   |__spindle envelope 7 rec.
                                         |__organelle subcompartment 456 rec.
                                         |   |__endoplasmic reticulum subcompartment(+) 317 rec.
                                         |   |__Golgi apparatus subcompartment(+) 142 rec.
                                         |   |__micropexophagy-specific membrane apparatus
                                         |__organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer
                                             |__chlorosome envelope
                                             |__monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a organelle
Part of intracellular anatomical structure
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