FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term cytoplasmic vesicle ID (Ontology) GO:0031410 (Gene Ontology)
Definition A vesicle found in the cytoplasm of a cell.
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       1
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Constructs
 cytoplasmic vesicle (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       1     43       --
     colocalizes_with | cytoplasmic vesicle       --       3       --
     cytoplasmic vesicle | adult stage       3       --       3
     cytoplasmic vesicle | decreased number | germline clone | oogenesis       1       --       --
     cytoplasmic vesicle | early third instar larval stage       7       --       7
     cytoplasmic vesicle | first instar larval stage       1       --       --
     cytoplasmic vesicle | increased number | larval stage       3       --       2
     is_active_in | cytoplasmic vesicle       --      13       --
     located_in | cytoplasmic vesicle       --      29       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
intracellular anatomical structure
vesicle                                   |
 |__intracellular vesicle_________________|
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle  |
 |__intracellular vesicle_________________|
cellular anatomical entity                |
                                          cytoplasmic vesicle  835 rec.
                                           |__aleurone grain
                                           |   |__aleurone grain lumen
                                           |   |__aleurone grain membrane
                                           |__amorphous vesicle
                                           |__carotenoid vesicle
                                           |   |__chitosome membrane
                                           |   |__melanosome membrane
                                           |__chloroplast vesicle
                                           |__ciliary vesicle
                                           |__coated vesicle 85 rec.
                                           |   |__clathrin-coated vesicle(+) 42 rec.
                                           |   |__coated vesicle membrane(+) 40 rec.
                                           |   |__COPI-coated vesicle(+) 9 rec.
                                           |   |__COPII-coated ER to Golgi transport vesicle(+) 30 rec.
                                           |__contractile vacuole
                                           |   |__contractile vacuolar membrane(+)
                                           |__Cvt vesicle
                                           |   |__Cvt vesicle membrane
                                           |__cytoplasmic vesicle lumen 1 rec.
                                           |   |__aleurone grain lumen
                                           |   |__clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__COPI-coated vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__COPII-coated vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__cytolytic granule lumen
                                           |   |__esterosome lumen
                                           |   |__Golgi-associated vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__melanosome lumen
                                           |   |__phagolysosome vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__plasma membrane-derived thylakoid lumen
                                           |   |__secretory granule lumen(+) 1 rec.
                                           |   |__spine apparatus lumen
                                           |   |__synaptic vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__transport vesicle lumen(+)
                                           |__cytoplasmic vesicle membrane 155 rec.
                                           |   |__aleurone grain membrane
                                           |   |__chitosome membrane
                                           |   |__coated vesicle membrane(+) 40 rec.
                                           |   |__contractile vacuolar membrane(+)
                                           |   |__Cvt vesicle membrane
                                           |   |__endocytic vesicle membrane(+) 11 rec.
                                           |   |__endosome membrane(+) 85 rec.
                                           |   |__esterosome membrane
                                           |   |__Golgi-associated vesicle membrane(+) 18 rec.
                                           |   |__gut granule membrane
                                           |   |__inner acrosomal membrane
                                           |   |__merozoite dense granule membrane
                                           |   |__multivesicular body, internal vesicle membrane
                                           |   |__organellar chromatophore membrane(+)
                                           |   |__outer acrosomal membrane 1 rec.
                                           |   |__phagolysosome vesicle membrane
                                           |   |__pigment granule membrane(+) 2 rec.
                                           |   |__rod photoreceptor disc membrane
                                           |   |__secretory granule membrane(+) 7 rec.
                                           |   |__STING complex
                                           |   |__transport vesicle membrane(+) 39 rec.
                                           |__endocytic vesicle 68 rec.
                                           |   |__clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle(+) 11 rec.
                                           |   |__endocytic vesicle lumen(+)
                                           |   |__endocytic vesicle membrane(+) 11 rec.
                                           |   |__phagocytic vesicle(+) 21 rec.
                                           |   |__post-lysosomal vacuole
                                           |   |__symbiosome(+)
                                           |__endosome 435 rec.
                                           |   |__CORVET complex 7 rec.
                                           |   |__early endosome(+) 89 rec.
                                           |   |__endolysosome(+) 12 rec.
                                           |   |__endosome lumen(+)
                                           |   |__endosome membrane(+) 85 rec.
                                           |   |__ESCRT complex(+) 28 rec.
                                           |   |__late endosome(+) 169 rec.
                                           |   |__pinosome(+)
                                           |   |__postsynaptic endosome(+) 1 rec.
                                           |   |__presynaptic endosome(+) 3 rec.
                                           |   |__recycling endosome(+) 52 rec.
                                           |   |__sorting endosome
                                           |   |__TRAPPII protein complex 10 rec.
                                           |   |__tubular endosome
                                           |   |__esterosome lumen
                                           |   |__esterosome membrane
                                           |__fusiform vesicle
                                           |__GARP complex 8 rec.
                                           |__Golgi-associated vesicle 37 rec.
                                           |   |__COPI-coated vesicle(+) 9 rec.
                                           |   |__Golgi-associated vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__Golgi-associated vesicle membrane(+) 18 rec.
                                           |   |__trans-Golgi network transport vesicle(+) 18 rec.
                                           |__granular vesicle
                                           |   |__neurosecretory vesicle
                                           |__gut granule
                                           |   |__gut granule lumen
                                           |   |__gut granule membrane
                                           |__merozoite dense granule
                                           |   |__merozoite dense granule membrane
                                           |__mitochondrion-derived vesicle
                                           |__multivesicular body, internal vesicle 5 rec.
                                           |   |__multivesicular body, internal vesicle lumen
                                           |   |__multivesicular body, internal vesicle membrane
                                           |__osmiophilic body
                                           |__pericanalicular vesicle
                                           |__pigment granule 24 rec.
                                           |   |__cyanosome
                                           |   |__iridosome
                                           |   |__leucosome
                                           |   |__melanosome(+)
                                           |   |__pigment granule membrane(+) 2 rec.
                                           |   |__pterinosome
                                           |__plasma membrane light-harvesting complex
                                           |   |__light-harvesting complex, core complex(+)
                                           |   |__light-harvesting complex, peripheral complex(+)
                                           |__secretory vesicle 271 rec.
                                           |   |__exocytic vesicle(+) 218 rec.
                                           |   |__secretory granule(+) 60 rec.
                                           |__sperm cytoplasmic droplet
                                           |__synaptic vesicle protein transport vesicle
                                           |__transport vesicle 250 rec.
                                               |__clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle(+)
                                               |__clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle(+)
                                               |__clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle(+)
                                               |__COPI-coated Golgi to ER transport vesicle(+)
                                               |__COPI-coated inter-Golgi transport vesicle(+)
                                               |__exocytic vesicle(+) 218 rec.
                                               |__piccolo-bassoon transport vesicle
                                               |__trans-Golgi network transport vesicle(+) 18 rec.
                                               |__transport vesicle lumen(+)
                                               |__transport vesicle membrane(+) 39 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
View Depth
Show hierarchy levels: for parents, for children
hide Relationships
Is a intracellular vesicle
Part of cytoplasm
hide Synonyms & Secondary IDs
  • "cytoplasmic membrane bounded vesicle" RELATED
    "cytoplasmic membrane-enclosed vesicle" RELATED
    "cytoplasmic, membrane-bounded vesicle" RELATED
Secondary IDs
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