FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term membrane ID (Ontology) GO:0016020 (Gene Ontology)
Definition A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it and attached to it.[ ISBN:0815316194 ]
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Gene Groups Genes Constructs
 membrane (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       --      96   5317      1
     colocalizes_with | membrane       --       --       1       --
     is_active_in | membrane       --       --     345       --
     located_in | membrane       --       --    1326       --
     membrane | embryonic stage 5       4       --       --       --
 NOT | located_in | membrane       --       --       1       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
   |__cellular anatomical entity
       |__membrane  6471 rec.
           |__annulate lamellae 4 rec.
           |__ascus membrane
           |__clathrin-coated pit 16 rec.
           |   |__clathrin coat of coated pit(+) 10 rec.
           |__coated membrane 41 rec.
           |   |__membrane coat(+) 41 rec.
           |__extrinsic component of membrane 81 rec.
           |   |__extrinsic component of cell outer membrane(+)
           |   |__extrinsic component of organelle membrane(+) 7 rec.
           |   |__extrinsic component of plasma membrane(+) 49 rec.
           |   |__extrinsic component of thylakoid membrane(+)
           |   |__phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex(+) 15 rec.
           |__leaflet of membrane bilayer
           |__membrane microdomain 8 rec.
           |   |__caveola bulb
           |   |__caveola neck
           |   |__membrane raft(+) 8 rec.
           |__membrane protein complex 731 rec.
           |   |__5-lipoxygenase complex
           |   |__ankyrin-1 complex
           |   |__AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex(+) 18 rec.
           |   |__Asi complex
           |   |__ATG2-ATG18 complex
           |   |__Bam protein complex
           |   |__cargo receptor complex(+)
           |   |__channel complex
           |   |__chaperone-mediated autophagy translocation complex
           |   |__chloroplast outer membrane translocon
           |   |__chloroplast thylakoid membrane protein complex(+)
           |   |__clathrin complex 3 rec.
           |   |__COPII vesicles tethering complex
           |   |__Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex 1 rec.
           |   |__Derlin-1-VIMP complex
           |   |__dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase complex(+) 3 rec.
           |   |__Dsc E3 ubiquitin ligase complex
           |   |__EMC complex 13 rec.
           |   |__endoplasmic reticulum Sec complex(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__endosomal scaffold complex
           |   |__ER ubiquitin ligase complex(+) 1 rec.
           |   |__ER-to-endosome phospholipid transfer complex
           |   |__ESCRT I complex 9 rec.
           |   |__ESCRT II complex 4 rec.
           |   |__ESCRT III complex 9 rec.
           |   |__ESCRT IV complex 3 rec.
           |   |__fatty acid elongase complex
           |   |__glycosylphosphatidylinositol-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GPI-GnT) complex 7 rec.
           |   |__GPI-anchor transamidase complex 7 rec.
           |   |__H-gal-GP complex
           |   |__HOPS complex(+) 10 rec.
           |   |__inner mitochondrial membrane protein complex(+) 212 rec.
           |   |__Ire1 complex
           |   |__IRE1-TRAF2-ASK1 complex 1 rec.
           |   |__lipopolysaccharide receptor complex
           |   |__mannan polymerase complex(+)
           |   |__membrane coat(+) 41 rec.
           |   |__meprin A complex
           |   |__MHC class I peptide loading complex(+)
           |   |__NADH dehydrogenase complex(+) 58 rec.
           |   |__Nem1-Spo7 phosphatase complex 3 rec.
           |   |__nuclear membrane complex Bqt3-Bqt4
           |   |__nuclear membrane protein complex(+) 5 rec.
           |   |__oligosaccharyltransferase complex(+) 12 rec.
           |   |__outer membrane protein complex
           |   |__outer mitochondrial membrane protein complex(+) 19 rec.
           |   |__PAT complex
           |   |__phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex(+) 15 rec.
           |   |__phospholamban complex
           |   |__photosystem(+)
           |   |__photosystem I antenna complex
           |   |__photosystem I reaction center
           |   |__photosystem II antenna complex
           |   |__photosystem II oxygen evolving complex
           |   |__photosystem II reaction center
           |   |__phycobilisome
           |   |__plasma membrane protein complex(+) 193 rec.
           |   |__pore complex(+)
           |   |__pre-B cell receptor complex
           |   |__protein C inhibitor-acrosin complex
           |   |__proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk(+) 5 rec.
           |   |__proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk(+) 5 rec.
           |   |__proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex(+) 72 rec.
           |   |__proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, catalytic domain(+) 24 rec.
           |   |__proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, proton-transporting domain(+) 37 rec.
           |   |__Ragulator complex 6 rec.
           |   |__respiratory chain complex(+) 117 rec.
           |   |__retromer complex(+) 8 rec.
           |   |__retromer, cargo-selective complex 4 rec.
           |   |__retromer, tubulation complex 2 rec.
           |   |__Sec62/Sec63 complex 3 rec.
           |   |__signal peptidase complex 5 rec.
           |   |__signal recognition particle receptor complex 3 rec.
           |   |__SNARE complex(+) 37 rec.
           |   |__sodium ion-transporting two-sector ATPase complex(+)
           |   |__SREBP-SCAP complex 1 rec.
           |   |__SREBP-SCAP-Insig complex
           |   |__starch utilization system complex
           |   |__STING complex
           |   |__TAP complex
           |   |__Tapasin-ERp57 complex
           |   |__Tic complex
           |   |__Toc complex
           |   |__translocon complex(+) 9 rec.
           |   |__transmembrane transporter complex(+) 231 rec.
           |   |__UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase complex 3 rec.
           |   |__vacuolar transporter chaperone complex
           |   |__VCP-NPL4-UFD1 AAA ATPase complex 2 rec.
           |   |__Vps55/Vps68 complex
           |__nuclear outer membrane-endoplasmic reticulum membrane network 315 rec.
           |   |__annulate lamellae 4 rec.
           |   |__endoplasmic reticulum membrane(+) 307 rec.
           |   |__Nem1-Spo7 phosphatase complex 3 rec.
           |   |__nuclear outer membrane(+) 5 rec.
           |__organelle membrane 1174 rec.
           |   |__bounding membrane of organelle(+) 454 rec.
           |   |__Dsc E3 ubiquitin ligase complex
           |   |__endoplasmic reticulum membrane(+) 307 rec.
           |   |__extrinsic component of organelle membrane(+) 7 rec.
           |   |__Golgi cisterna membrane(+) 9 rec.
           |   |__lumenal side of membrane(+) 3 rec.
           |   |__magnetosome membrane
           |   |__mitochondrial membrane(+) 478 rec.
           |   |__nuclear membrane(+) 49 rec.
           |   |__organelle inner membrane(+) 396 rec.
           |   |__perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum membrane
           |   |__photoreceptor disc membrane(+)
           |   |__plastid membrane(+)
           |   |__rhoptry membrane
           |   |__trans-Golgi network membrane 6 rec.
           |   |__vesicle membrane(+) 162 rec.
           |__outer membrane 78 rec.
           |   |__cell outer membrane(+)
           |   |__organelle outer membrane(+) 78 rec.
           |   |__outer endospore membrane
           |__pathogen-containing vacuole membrane
           |__phagophore assembly site membrane 10 rec.
           |   |__ATG2-ATG18 complex
           |   |__extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane 1 rec.
           |__photosynthetic membrane
           |   |__photosystem(+)
           |   |__plasma membrane-derived chromatophore membrane(+)
           |   |__thylakoid membrane(+)
           |__plasma membrane 1862 rec.
           |   |__apical plasma membrane urothelial plaque
           |   |__cell body membrane(+) 5 rec.
           |   |__cell trailing edge membrane(+)
           |   |__cellular bud membrane
           |   |__cornified envelope
           |   |__cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane(+) 61 rec.
           |   |__cytoproct
           |   |__cytostome
           |   |__external side of plasma membrane(+) 44 rec.
           |   |__extrinsic component of plasma membrane(+) 49 rec.
           |   |__growth cone membrane 1 rec.
           |   |__immunological synapse
           |   |__lateral plasma membrane 28 rec.
           |   |__leading edge membrane(+) 102 rec.
           |   |__medial membrane band
           |   |__mesosome
           |   |__orthogonal array
           |   |__phagocytic cup(+)
           |   |__plasma membrane protein complex(+) 193 rec.
           |   |__plasma membrane region 487 rec.
           |   |__plasma membrane respirasome(+)
           |   |__plasma membrane-derived thylakoid lumen
           |   |__plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve
           |   |__plasmodesmatal desmotubule(+)
           |   |__plasmodesmatal plasma membrane
           |   |__porosome
           |   |__sarcolemma(+) 16 rec.
           |   |__sperm plasma membrane(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__tetraspanin-enriched microdomain
           |__plasma membrane region 487 rec.
           |   |__apical plasma membrane(+) 121 rec.
           |   |__apical plasma membrane urothelial plaque
           |   |__apicolateral plasma membrane 27 rec.
           |   |__basal plasma membrane(+) 67 rec.
           |   |__basolateral plasma membrane 53 rec.
           |   |__caveola neck
           |   |__cell projection membrane(+) 126 rec.
           |   |__cellularization cleavage furrow(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__cleavage furrow(+) 55 rec.
           |   |__hinge region between urothelial plaques of apical plasma membrane
           |   |__pellicular membrane
           |   |__periciliary membrane compartment
           |   |__photoreceptor inner segment membrane
           |   |__plasma membrane of cell tip(+)
           |   |__plasma membrane raft(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__plasma membrane-derived thylakoid membrane
           |   |__sperm head plasma membrane
           |   |__synaptic membrane(+) 153 rec.
           |__prospore membrane
           |   |__prospore membrane leading edge
           |   |__prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site
           |__prospore membrane leading edge
           |__respirasome 117 rec.
           |   |__mitochondrial respirasome(+) 116 rec.
           |   |__plasma membrane respirasome(+)
           |   |__respiratory chain complex(+) 117 rec.
           |__side of membrane 122 rec.
           |   |__cytoplasmic side of membrane(+) 77 rec.
           |   |__external side of cell outer membrane(+)
           |   |__external side of plasma membrane(+) 44 rec.
           |   |__internal side of mycolate outer membrane
           |   |__lumenal side of membrane(+) 3 rec.
           |   |__lumenal side of plastid thylakoid membrane
           |   |__periplasmic side of cell outer membrane(+)
           |   |__stromal side of plastid inner membrane(+)
           |   |__stromal side of plastid thylakoid membrane(+)
           |__spore inner membrane
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a cellular anatomical entity
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  • "integral component of membrane" NARROW
    "integral to membrane" NARROW
    "membrane region" NARROW
    "region of membrane" NARROW
    "transmembrane" RELATED
    "whole membrane" NARROW
Secondary IDs
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