FB2024_04 , released June 25, 2024
Gene: Dmel\gypsysu(Hw)BR
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General Information
D. melanogaster
gypsy suppressor of Hairy wing Binding Region
Annotation Symbol
Feature Type
FlyBase ID
Gene Model Status
Stock Availability
Gene Summary
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Also Known As

gypsy insulator, su(Hw) insulator, suHw, gypsy, SHWBS

Gene Ontology (GO) Annotations (0 terms)
Molecular Function (0 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (0 terms)
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (0 terms)
Biological Process (0 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (0 terms)
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (0 terms)
Cellular Component (0 terms)
Terms Based on Experimental Evidence (0 terms)
Terms Based on Predictions or Assertions (0 terms)
Gene Group (FlyBase)
Protein Family (UniProt)
Protein Signatures (InterPro)
    Gene Model and Products
    Number of Transcripts
    Number of Unique Polypeptides
    Protein Domains (via Pfam)
    Isoform displayed:
    Pfam protein domains
    InterPro name
    Protein Domains (via SMART)
    Isoform displayed:
    SMART protein domains
    InterPro name
    Experimentally Determined Structures
    Comments on Gene Model
    Sequence Ontology: Class of Gene
    Transcript Data
    Annotated Transcripts
    Additional Transcript Data and Comments
    Reported size (kB)
    External Data
    Polypeptide Data
    Annotated Polypeptides
    Polypeptides with Identical Sequences


    Additional Polypeptide Data and Comments
    Reported size (kDa)
    External Data
    Sequences Consistent with the Gene Model
    Nucleotide / Polypeptide Records
      Mapped Features

      Click to get a list of regulatory features (enhancers, TFBS, etc.) and gene disruptions (point mutations, indels, etc.) within or overlapping Dmel\gypsy\su(Hw)BR using the Feature Mapper tool.

      External Data
      Expression Data
      Testis-specificity index

      The testis specificity index was calculated from modENCODE tissue expression data by Vedelek et al., 2018 to indicate the degree of testis enrichment compared to other tissues. Scores range from -2.52 (underrepresented) to 5.2 (very high testis bias).


      Transcript Expression
      Additional Descriptive Data
      Marker for
      Subcellular Localization
      CV Term
      Polypeptide Expression
      Additional Descriptive Data
      Marker for
      Subcellular Localization
      CV Term
      Expression Deduced from Reporters
      High-Throughput Expression Data
      Associated Tools

      JBrowse - Visual display of RNA-Seq signals

      View Dmel\gypsy\su(Hw)BR in JBrowse
      See Gelbart and Emmert, 2013 for analysis details and data files for all genes.
      Developmental Proteome: Life Cycle
      Developmental Proteome: Embryogenesis
      External Data and Images
      Alleles, Insertions, Transgenic Constructs, and Aberrations
      Classical and Insertion Alleles ( 0 )
      For All Classical and Insertion Alleles Show
      Other relevant insertions
      Transgenic Constructs ( 16 )
      For All Alleles Carried on Transgenic Constructs Show
      Transgenic constructs containing/affecting coding region of gypsy\su(Hw)BR
      Transgenic constructs containing regulatory region of gypsy\su(Hw)BR
      Aberrations (Deficiencies and Duplications) ( 0 )
      Inferred from experimentation ( 0 )
      Inferred from location ( 0 )
        Variant Molecular Consequences
        Alleles Representing Disease-Implicated Variants
        For more details about a specific phenotype click on the relevant allele symbol.
        Phenotype manifest in
        Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
        Species\Gene Symbol
        Best Score
        Best Reverse Score
        Homo sapiens (Human) (0)
        Model Organism Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1)
        Species\Gene Symbol
        Best Score
        Best Reverse Score
        Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) (0)
        Mus musculus (laboratory mouse) (0)
        Xenopus tropicalis (Western clawed frog) (0)
        Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (0)
        Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematode, roundworm) (0)
        Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito) (0)
        Arabidopsis thaliana (thale-cress) (0)
        Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Brewer's yeast) (0)
        Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Fission yeast) (0)
        Escherichia coli (enterobacterium) (0)
        Other Organism Orthologs (via OrthoDB)
        Data provided directly from OrthoDB:gypsy\su(Hw)BR. Refer to their site for version information.
        Paralogs (via DIOPT v9.1)
        Human Disease Associations
        FlyBase Human Disease Model Reports
          Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
          Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
          Potential Models Based on Orthology ( 0 )
          Human Ortholog
          Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
          Disease Associations of Human Orthologs (via DIOPT v9.1 and OMIM)
          Note that ortholog calls supported by only 1 or 2 algorithms (DIOPT score < 3) are not shown.
          Homo sapiens (Human)
          Gene name
          OMIM Phenotype
          DO term
          Functional Complementation Data
          Functional complementation data is computed by FlyBase using a combination of the orthology data obtained from DIOPT and OrthoDB and the allele-level genetic interaction data curated from the literature.
          Summary of Physical Interactions
          esyN Network Diagram
          Other Interaction Browsers
          Summary of Genetic Interactions
          esyN Network Diagram
          Other Interaction Browsers
          Starting gene(s)
          Interaction type
          Interacting gene(s)
          Starting gene(s)
          Interaction type
          Interacting gene(s)
          External Data
          DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
          Signaling Pathways (FlyBase)
          Metabolic Pathways
          External Data
          Genomic Location and Detailed Mapping Data
          Chromosome (arm)
          Recombination map
          Cytogenetic map
          Sequence location
          FlyBase Computed Cytological Location
          Cytogenetic map
          Evidence for location
          Experimentally Determined Cytological Location
          Cytogenetic map
          Experimentally Determined Recombination Data
          Left of (cM)
          Right of (cM)
          Stocks and Reagents
          Stocks (3,572)
          Genomic Clones (0)
            cDNA Clones (0)

            Please Note This section lists cDNAs and ESTs that fall within the genomic extent of the gene model, which may include cDNAs and ESTs of genes within introns, or of overlapping genes. Please see JBrowse for alignment of the cDNAs and ESTs to the gene model.

            cDNA clones, fully sequenced
            BDGP DGC clones
              Other clones
                Drosophila Genomics Resource Center cDNA clones

                For each fully sequenced cDNA the DGRC maintains various forms of the cDNA (e.g tagged or untagged) in several different host vectors for subsequent cloning and expression in Drosophila and Drosophila cell lines.

                  cDNA Clones, End Sequenced (ESTs)
                  BDGP DGC clones
                    Other clones
                      RNAi and Array Information
                      Antibody Information
                      Laboratory Generated Antibodies
                      Commercially Available Antibodies
                      Cell Line Information
                      Publicly Available Cell Lines
                        Other Stable Cell Lines
                          Other Comments

                          The gypsy\su(Hw)BR insulator might establish higher-order domains of chromatin structure and regulate nuclear organisation by tethering the DNA to the nuclear matrix and creating chromatin loops.

                          gypsy\su(Hw)BR insulators appear to be able to interact with each other in pairs.

                          The gypsy\su(Hw)BR insulator can function at the end of a truncated chromosome. Addition of the insulator upstream of the y enhancers overcomes the enhancer-blocking activity of the gypsy\su(Hw)BR insulator inserted between the y enhancers and promoter. The gypsy\su(Hw)BR insulators do not seem to form separate transcriptional domains that delimit the interactions between enhancers and promoters.

                          The gypsy\su(Hw)BR contains several DNase I hypersensitive sites whose occurrence is dependent on the binding of the su(Hw) protein. The presence of the gypsy\su(Hw)BR in the 5' region of the y gene (in two mutant alleles) increases the accessibility of the DNA to nucleases in the promoter-proximal, but not the promoter-distal, region. This increase in accessibility is not due to alterations in the primary chromatin fibre, because the number and position of the nucleosomes appears to be the same in the presence or absence of the insulator.

                          Analysis of mutations in the sc gene indicates that the gypsy\su(Hw)BR does not have to be located between a promoter and its enhancers to interfere with the enhancer activity.

                          The gypsy\su(Hw)BR is effective at preventing repression caused by Polycomb group genes.

                          gypsy\su(Hw)BR interacts with components of the nuclear matrix: results suggest a MAR/SAR activity.

                          A stripe expression assay in which the gypsy\su(Hw)BR is inserted between defined enhancers and placed among divergently transcribed reporter genes (w and Ecol\lacZ) containing distinct core promoter sequences has been used to analysed the role of mod(mdg4) in gypsy\su(Hw)BR activity. mod(mdg4) is essential for the enhancer blocking activity of the gypsy\su(Hw)BR. In addition, reductions in mod(mdg4)+ activity cause the gypsy\su(Hw)BR to function as a promoter-specific enhancer that selectively represses w but not the closely linked Ecol\lacZ gene, suggesting that the gypsy\su(Hw)BR does not propagate changes in chromatin structure.

                          Flanking gypsy\su(Hw)BRs can create a chromosomal domain permissible for activity of the chorion gene DNA replication origin, DNA replication is dramatically protected from position effects. Inclusion of only a single gypsy\su(Hw)BR does not detectably protect chorion gene DNA replication origin from position effects.

                          The enhancer blocking activity of the gypsy\su(Hw)BR element depends on the number of su(Hw) protein binding sites.

                          430bp fragment of gypsy\su(Hw)BR can block the interaction of defined eve stripe enhancers when positioned between the enhancer and target promoter. Results suggest that gypsy\su(Hw)BR may act as flexible regulatory element that modulates enhancer-promoter interactions within complex promoters and complex genetic loci. The insulator does not propagate changes in chromatin structure and may not be restricted to the functional isolation of neighbouring genetic loci.

                          A fragment of gypsy carrying 12 su(Hw) binding sites is a chromatin insulator that prevents an enhancer located on one side of a boundary from acting on promoters of neighbouring genes located in the adjacent domain (FBrf0083065).

                          Dosage compensation of autosomally integrated mini-w genes flanked by gypsy\su(Hw)BR sequences is greatly improved compared to insertions not flanked by gypsy\su(Hw)BR, such that complete or nearly complete compensation was observed at the majority of X and autosomal insertion sites. The su(Hw) protein is essential for this enhanced dosage compensation. gypsy\su(Hw)BR may protect the mini-w gene from a negative autosomal chromatin environment. The gypsy\su(Hw)BR flanking the mini-w gene does not promote negative pairing effect on w expression.

                          22% of recessive lethal mutations caused by the insertion of P{SUPor-P}, which contains gypsy\su(Hw)BR sequences, are suppressed by mutations in su(Hw), indicating that they would not have been detected by a standard P-element insertion.

                          Insertion of the gypsy\su(Hw)BR into the Yp1 Yp2 intergenic region does not alter temporal or tissue-specific expression of the Adh or Ecol\lacZ reporter genes but does repress the Yp1 Yp2 fat body enhancer elements.

                          su(Hw) may operate by altering the organization of chromatin creating a new boundary in a preexisting domain of higher order chromatin structure. This separates enhancers and silencers distal to the su(Hw) binding region into an independent unit of gene activity, thereby causing their inactivation.

                          DNA bound su(Hw) product interferes with the action of enhancers more distal to but not those more proximal to the y promoter.

                          A P-element transformation vector developed, named "Y.E.S.", that uses y as the selectable marker and buffers the y coding region from neighbouring enhancers or silencers with su(Hw) binding regions.

                          gypsy\su(Hw)BR contains 12 copies of a consensus sequence and is located in the 5' untranslated region of gypsy between the 5' LTR and the first ATG initiation codon. su(Hw) interacts specifically with this region in vitro.

                          Relationship to Other Genes
                          Source for database merge of
                          Additional comments
                          Nomenclature History
                          Source for database identify of
                          Nomenclature comments
                          Synonyms and Secondary IDs (20)
                          Reported As
                          Secondary FlyBase IDs
                            Datasets (0)
                            Study focus (0)
                            Experimental Role
                            Project Type
                            Study result (0)
                            Result Type
                            External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 1 )
                            DroID - A comprehensive database of gene and protein interactions.
                            References (180)