FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult sensory neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00058244 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Any adult neuron (FBbt:00047095) that is capable of some detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception (GO:0050906).
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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 adult sensory neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       2      4      3      7
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
adult nervous system
 |__adult neuron_______
neuron                 |
 |__adult neuron_______|
sensory system neuron  |
 |__sensory neuron_____|
                       adult sensory neuron  4175 rec.
                        |__adult antennal sensory neuron 623 rec.
                        |   |__adult antennal lobe receptor neuron(+) 513 rec.
                        |   |__Johnston organ neuron(+) 115 rec.
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of antennal bristle
                        |__adult gustatory receptor neuron 174 rec.
                        |   |__Gr43a neuron of adult hypocerebral ganglion 1 rec.
                        |   |__gustatory receptor neuron of the adult pharynx(+) 35 rec.
                        |   |__gustatory receptor neuron of the labellum(+) 60 rec.
                        |   |__gustatory receptor neuron of the wing(+) 5 rec.
                        |   |__leg taste bristle chemosensory neuron(+) 96 rec.
                        |   |__sugar-sensing neuron of the adult brain 3 rec.
                        |__adult labial sensory neuron 83 rec.
                        |   |__adult diatom subesophageal neuron 12 rec.
                        |   |__gustatory receptor neuron of the labellum(+) 60 rec.
                        |   |__labellar mechanosensory bristle mechanosensory neuron
                        |   |__labellar multidendritic neuron 10 rec.
                        |   |__labellar taste bristle sensory neuron(+) 35 rec.
                        |   |__labellar taste peg mechanosensory neuron 1 rec.
                        |   |__type III sensory neuron of ventral ipsilateral fibers
                        |__adult mechanosensory neuron 281 rec.
                        |   |__adult abdominal mechanosensory chaeta neuron
                        |   |__adult abdominal multidendritic neuron(+) 32 rec.
                        |   |__adult chordotonal neuron(+) 134 rec.
                        |   |__adult female reproductive tract mechanosensory neuron 1 rec.
                        |   |__adult leg stretch receptor neuron(+) 2 rec.
                        |   |__adult mechanosensory neuron of the hypocerebral ganglion
                        |   |__adult thoracic mechanosensory chaeta neuron(+) 36 rec.
                        |   |__labellar multidendritic neuron 10 rec.
                        |   |__labellar taste peg mechanosensory neuron 1 rec.
                        |   |__labral sense organ mechanosensory neuron(+)
                        |   |__leg mechanosensory bristle mechanosensory neuron(+) 3 rec.
                        |   |__leg taste bristle mechanosensory neuron(+) 2 rec.
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of adult head bristle(+) 15 rec.
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of coxal hair plate(+)
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of leg campaniform sensillum(+) 34 rec.
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of male terminalia sensillum(+)
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of mesothoracic hair plate(+)
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of metathoracic hair plate(+)
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of prothoracic hair plate(+)
                        |   |__mechanosensory neuron of trochanter hair plate(+)
                        |   |__sensory neuron of haltere campaniform sensillum 8 rec.
                        |   |__sensory neuron of wing campaniform sensillum(+) 5 rec.
                        |   |__wing bristle mechanosensory neuron(+)
                        |__adult multidendritic neuron 44 rec.
                        |   |__adult abdominal multidendritic neuron(+) 32 rec.
                        |   |__labellar multidendritic neuron 10 rec.
                        |__adult olfactory receptor neuron 638 rec.
                        |   |__adult antennal olfactory receptor neuron(+) 489 rec.
                        |   |__maxillary palp olfactory receptor neuron(+) 90 rec.
                        |__adult pheromone-sensing neuron 181 rec.
                        |   |__adult olfactory receptor neuron Or47b 90 rec.
                        |   |__adult olfactory receptor neuron Or65 19 rec.
                        |   |__adult olfactory receptor neuron Or67d 73 rec.
                        |   |__adult olfactory receptor neuron Or88a 55 rec.
                        |   |__adult pheromone-sensing neuron of labellum
                        |   |__adult pheromone-sensing neuron of leg(+)
                        |__adult sensory neuron VA7m
                        |__adult thermosensory neuron 31 rec.
                        |   |__AC thermosensory neuron 10 rec.
                        |   |__adult Epi descending neuron
                        |   |__adult hygrosensory neuron Ir40a VP1d
                        |   |__adult thermosensory neuron Ir21a VP1l
                        |   |__neuron of aristal sensillum(+) 21 rec.
                        |   |__non-aristal sensory neuron VP3 2 rec.
                        |__descending neuron outside of the brain DNx02
                        |__eye photoreceptor cell 2778 rec.
                        |   |__dorsal margin photoreceptor cell(+) 46 rec.
                        |   |__eye photoreceptor cell stalk(+) 80 rec.
                        |   |__inner photoreceptor cell(+) 1199 rec.
                        |   |__outer photoreceptor cell(+) 590 rec.
                        |   |__rhabdomere of eye photoreceptor cell(+) 377 rec.
                        |__eyelet photoreceptor cell 23 rec.
                        |__labral sense organ neuron 31 rec.
                        |   |__labral sense organ chemosensory neuron(+) 10 rec.
                        |   |__labral sense organ mechanosensory neuron(+)
                        |__LN Pdf neuron 229 rec.
                        |   |__l-LNv neuron(+) 175 rec.
                        |   |__s-LNv Pdf neuron 80 rec.
                        |__ocellar retinula cell 96 rec.
                        |   |__lateral ocellar retinula cell
                        |   |__medial ocellar retinula cell
                        |   |__ocellus pigment granule 64 rec.
                        |   |__ocellus rhabdomere 19 rec.
                        |__prothoracic coxal bristle sensory neuron
                        |__prothoracic coxal strand receptor neuron
                        |__prothoracic femoral bristle sensory neuron
                        |__prothoracic tibial bristle sensory neuron
                        |__prothoracic trochanteral bristle sensory neuron
                        |   |__prothoracic trochanter edge bristle sensory neuron
                        |__sensory neuron of female reproductive system 17 rec.
                        |   |__adult female reproductive tract mechanosensory neuron 1 rec.
                        |   |__adult sex peptide sensory neuron(+) 16 rec.
                        |__sensory neuron of haltere capitellum trichoid sensillum 1 rec.
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Is a sensory neuron
adult neuron
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