FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult ascending neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00048301 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Any adult neuron with its cell body in the thorax or abdomen (including appendages and ventral nerve cord) that passes through the cervical connective to the brain.[ FlyBase:FBrf0237124 ]
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 adult ascending neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      52     93
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
adult nervous system__
                      adult neuron
                       |__adult ascending neuron  249 rec.
                           |__adult ascending superior lateral protocerebrum gustatory projection neuron
                           |__adult CB0594 neuron
                           |__adult CB0691 neuron
                           |__adult CB0692 neuron
                           |__adult CB0693 neuron
                           |__adult CB0694 neuron
                           |__adult CB3810 neuron
                           |__adult dopaminergic VUM neuron of the gnathal ganglion 23 rec.
                           |__adult fruitless dAB2 neuron
                           |__adult fruitless vAB2 neuron
                           |__adult fruitless vAB3 neuron 12 rec.
                           |   |__adult fruitless vAB3 (female) neuron 6 rec.
                           |   |__adult fruitless vAB3 (male) neuron 10 rec.
                           |__adult fruitless vPR1 neuron 6 rec.
                           |__adult inferior bridge neuron 113
                           |__adult intersegmental mechanosensory system neuron 9 rec.
                           |__adult male copulation reporting neuron 5 rec.
                           |__adult moonwalker ascending neuron 8 rec.
                           |__adult octopaminergic subesophageal VUM neuron 3 rec.
                           |   |__octopaminergic VUMa neuron(+) 3 rec.
                           |   |__octopaminergic VUMd neuron(+)
                           |__adult pheromone projection neuron 1 4 rec.
                           |__adult posterior slope neuron 299
                           |__adult proboscis extension reflex inhibitory neuron
                           |__adult sensory system ascending secondary interneuron
                           |   |__haltere campaniform sensillum secondary interneuron
                           |   |__leg chordotonal organ secondary interneuron
                           |   |__leg mechanosensory bristle secondary interneuron
                           |   |__wing campaniform sensillum secondary interneuron
                           |__adult sex peptide abdominal ganglion neuron 9 rec.
                           |__adult sparse T ascending neuron
                           |__adult taste projection neuron 1 13 rec.
                           |__adult taste projection neuron 2 2 rec.
                           |__adult TwoLumps ascending neuron 6 rec.
                           |__adult vest neuron 002
                           |__allatostatin C-producing thoracic ganglion neuron 3 rec.
                           |__ascending mechanosensory neuron of leg chordotonal organ
                           |__lateral accessory lobe-posterior slope contralateral ascending neuron 3 rec.
                           |__leg taste bristle ascending tarsal chemosensory neuron 9 rec.
                           |   |__bitter-sensing neuron of the leg(+) 4 rec.
                           |   |__mesothoracic leg taste bristle ascending tarsal chemosensory neuron(+)
                           |   |__metathoracic leg taste bristle ascending tarsal chemosensory neuron(+)
                           |   |__prothoracic leg taste bristle ascending tarsal chemosensory neuron(+) 5 rec.
                           |__ventral nerve cord projection neuron of the lateral supraesophageal gustatory tract
                           |__wing sleep gustatory projection neuron
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Is a adult neuron
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