FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term sensory neuron of campaniform sensillum ID (Ontology) FBbt:00048057 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Sensory neuron of a campaniform sensillum.
Also Known As "campaniform sensillum neuron" ; "sensory neuron of sensillum campaniformium"
Comment Some of these seem to be octopaminergic based on Tdc2-GAL4 expression (Pauls et al., 2018 - FBrf0240407).
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 sensory neuron of campaniform sensillum (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       1      3
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
peripheral nervous system____________
external sense organ sensory neuron__|
                                     eo neuron
                                      |__sensory neuron of campaniform sensillum  65 rec.
                                          |__abdominal desC neuron 4 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 desC neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 desC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 desC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 desC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 desC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 desC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 desC neuron
                                          |__abdominal desD neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 desD neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 desD neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 desD neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 desD neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 desD neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 desD neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 desD neuron
                                          |__abdominal lesB neuron 1 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 lesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 lesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 lesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 lesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 lesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 lesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 lesB neuron
                                          |__abdominal v'esA neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 v'esA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 v'esA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 v'esA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 v'esA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 v'esA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 v'esA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 v'esA neuron
                                          |__abdominal v'esB neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 v'esB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 v'esB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 v'esB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 v'esB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 v'esB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 v'esB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 v'esB neuron
                                          |__abdominal vesA neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 vesA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 vesA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 vesA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 vesA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 vesA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 vesA neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 vesA neuron
                                          |__abdominal vesB neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 vesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 vesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 vesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 vesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 vesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 vesB neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 vesB neuron
                                          |__abdominal vesC neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__abdominal 1 vesC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 2 vesC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 3 vesC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 4 vesC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 5 vesC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 6 vesC neuron
                                          |   |__abdominal 7 vesC neuron
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron B1 of the terminal organ dorsolateral group 3 rec.
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron B2 of the terminal organ dorsolateral group 4 rec.
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron B3 of the terminal organ dorsolateral group
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron C1 of the terminal organ distal group 3 rec.
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron C2 of the terminal organ distal group 3 rec.
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron C3 of the terminal organ distal group 3 rec.
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron C8 of the terminal organ distal group
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron C9 of the terminal organ distal group
                                          |__gustatory receptor neuron C16 of the terminal organ distal group
                                          |__larval vesM neuron
                                          |__mechanosensory neuron of leg campaniform sensillum 34 rec.
                                          |   |__bilateral campaniform sensillum neuron of leg(+)
                                          |   |__ipsilateral multi-neuromere campaniform sensillum neuron of leg
                                          |   |__mechanosensory neuron of femoral campaniform sensillum(+) 2 rec.
                                          |   |__mechanosensory neuron of metatarsal campaniform sensillum(+)
                                          |   |__mechanosensory neuron of tarsal 3 campaniform sensillum(+)
                                          |   |__mechanosensory neuron of tarsal 5 campaniform sensillum(+)
                                          |   |__mechanosensory neuron of tibial campaniform sensillum(+)
                                          |   |__mechanosensory neuron of trochanter campaniform sensillum(+)
                                          |   |__single-neuromere campaniform sensillum neuron of leg
                                          |__mesothoracic desA neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__mesothoracic desC neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__mesothoracic desD neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__mesothoracic lesA neuron
                                          |__mesothoracic lesC neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__metathoracic desA neuron
                                          |__metathoracic desC neuron
                                          |__metathoracic desD neuron
                                          |__metathoracic lesA neuron
                                          |__metathoracic lesC neuron
                                          |__prothoracic desA neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__prothoracic desC neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__prothoracic desD neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__prothoracic lesA neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__prothoracic lesC neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__sensory neuron of haltere campaniform sensillum 8 rec.
                                          |__sensory neuron of wing campaniform sensillum 5 rec.
                                          |   |__campaniform sensillum anterior crossvein neuron
                                          |   |__campaniform sensillum dorsal humeral crossvein neuron
                                          |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-1 of wing vein L3 neuron
                                          |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-2 of wing vein L3 neuron
                                          |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-3 of wing vein L3 neuron
                                          |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-v of wing vein L3 neuron
                                          |   |__campaniform sensillum ventral humeral crossvein neuron
                                          |   |__giant sensillum of the dorsal radius neuron
                                          |   |__twin sensillum of margin 1 neuron
                                          |   |__twin sensillum of margin 2 neuron
                                          |__thoracic v'esA neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__mesothoracic v'esA neuron 1 rec.
                                          |   |__metathoracic v'esA neuron
                                          |   |__prothoracic v'esA neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__thoracic v'esB neuron 2 rec.
                                          |   |__mesothoracic v'esB neuron 1 rec.
                                          |   |__metathoracic v'esB neuron
                                          |   |__prothoracic v'esB neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__v''esA neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__v''esB neuron 1 rec.
                                          |__v'es2 neuron 7 rec.
                                              |__abdominal 1 v'es2 neuron 1 rec.
                                              |__abdominal 2 v'es2 neuron 1 rec.
                                              |__abdominal 3 v'es2 neuron 1 rec.
                                              |__abdominal 4 v'es2 neuron 1 rec.
                                              |__abdominal 5 v'es2 neuron 1 rec.
                                              |__abdominal 6 v'es2 neuron 1 rec.
                                              |__abdominal 7 v'es2 neuron 1 rec.
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Is a eo neuron
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  • "campaniform sensillum neuron" EXACT
    "sensory neuron of sensillum campaniformium" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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