FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult doublesex pC1 (female) neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00047349 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Doublesex-expressing neuron of the female that is part of a cluster in the posterior medial region of the protocerebrum. There are 5 of these cells per hemisphere and they are derived from the DM4 neuroblast (Ren et al., 2016). They are generally more active in virgin females than mated females (Wang et al., 2020). Subclasses can be distinguished by their characteristic branching patterns (Wang et al., 2020). They are cholinergic (Wang et al., 2020).[ FlyBase:FBrf0159058 FlyBase:FBrf0210397 FlyBase:FBrf0210735 FlyBase:FBrf0225543 FlyBase:FBrf0228365 FlyBase:FBrf0233706 FlyBase:FBrf0234085 FlyBase:FBrf0245074 ]
Also Known As "doublesex-expressing posterior Cell-1 (female)" ; "dsx-expressing posterior Cell-1 (female)" ; "dsx-pC1 (female)"
Comment Kimura et al. (2015) report around 27 pC1 (female) cells per hemisphere, Zhou et al. (2014) and Pavlou et al. (2016) report around 8, Ren et al. (2016) and Wang et al. (2020) report 5. Unlike in the male, there does not appear to be overlap between dsx pC1 and fru pMP-e in the female (Ren et al., 2016).
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Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       6
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       2
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       3
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles  Insertions Constructs
 adult doublesex pC1 (female) neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       6      3      5     12
     adult doublesex pC1 (female) neuron | decreased number       2       --       2       --
     adult doublesex pC1 (female) neuron | increased number       4       --       --       3
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
 |__female organism___________
cholinergic neuron            |
 |__adult cholinergic neuron__|
adult neuron                  |
 |__adult doublesex neuron____|
 |__adult DM4 lineage neuron__|
 |__adult cholinergic neuron__|
 |__adult CNS neuron__________|
adult DM4 lineage clone       |
 |__adult DM4 lineage neuron__|
DM4 lineage neuron            |
 |__adult DM4 lineage neuron__|
CNS neuron                    |
 |__adult CNS neuron__________|
                              adult doublesex pC1 (female) neuron  45 rec.
                               |__adult doublesex pC1a (female) neuron 6 rec.
                               |__adult doublesex pC1b (female) neuron 3 rec.
                               |__adult doublesex pC1c (female) neuron 6 rec.
                               |__adult doublesex pC1d (female) neuron 11 rec.
                               |__adult doublesex pC1e (female) neuron 15 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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hide Relationships
Is a adult doublesex neuron
adult DM4 lineage neuron
adult cholinergic neuron
adult CNS neuron
Part of female organism
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