FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult CSD interneuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00007405 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Large serotonergic interneuron of the adult brain whose cell body is located close to the antennal lobe. Its dendrites innervate the ipsilateral antennal lobe (Roy et al., 2007), then it joins the medial antennal lobe tract, branching out to innervate the ipsilateral mushroom body calyx, lateral horn and the superior neuropils (Roy et al., 2007, Tanaka et al., 2012). It crosses the midline, innervating the same higher brain regions on the contralateral side, then follows the contralateral medial antennal lobe tract to the contralateral antennal lobe (Roy et al., 2007, Tanaka et al., 2012). It innervates all contralateral antennal lobe glomeruli with a non-glomerular pattern (Tanaka et al., 2012). It receives mixed input and output in all contralateral innervation regions, except for the antler, which is an input region (Coates et al., 2020). The ipsilateral antennal lobe is also an input region (Coates et al., 2020). In the contralateral antennal lobe it is synapsed to and by dense ABAF and patchy local neurons, as well as projection neurons (PNs), and has particularly strong input from DM5 uniglomerular PNs (Coates et al., 2020). It also receives input from SIMPAL neurons in the contralateral antennal lobe (Coates et al., 2020). In the lateral horn it receives input from all three main types of neuron (LHIN, LHON and LHLN) and outputs to LHLNs and LHONs (Coates et al., 2020). In the antler it receives input from a subset of bilaterally projecting wind sensitive wedge projection neurons (Coates et al., 2020). There is one of these cells per hemisphere, which is modified from its larval form during the pupal stage (Roy et al., 2007).[ FlyBase:FBrf0195231 FlyBase:FBrf0205432 FlyBase:FBrf0213697 FlyBase:FBrf0219731 FlyBase:FBrf0219809 FlyBase:FBrf0242628 FlyBase:FBrf0246448 ]
Also Known As "adult contralaterally innervating serotonin immunoreactive deutocerebral interneuron" ; "adult CSD" ; "adult CSD neuron" (for all, see Synonyms field below)
Comment Huser et al. (2012) classify this as an IP neuron based on classification of larval CSD neuron. Giang et al. (2011) and Kasture et al. (2018) list the adult CSD neuron as being distinct from the adult IP cluster. May be the same as the AMP neuron from Sitaraman et al. (2008) - FBrf0204454, similar location and large nuclear size (see also FBrf0239252, FBrf0229627) and could not find a paper with both neurons or a good description of AMP - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1373-1705. Not classified as a projection neuron based on its unpolarized nature (Bates et al., 2020 - FBrf0246460).
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Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       8
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       8
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles  Genes Constructs
 adult CSD interneuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       9      1      2     13
     adult CSD interneuron | conditional       2       --       --       2
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
adult head
 |__adult brain__________________________________
adult central nervous system                     |
 |__adult brain__________________________________|
extrinsic neuron                                 |
 |__adult lateral horn output neuron_____________|
 |__adult lateral horn input neuron______________|
brain                                            |
 |__adult brain__________________________________|
serotonergic neuron                              |
 |__adult serotonergic neuron____________________|
mushroom body modulatory input neuron            |
 |__adult mushroom body modulatory input neuron__|
mushroom body output neuron                      |
 |__adult mushroom body output neuron____________|
adult lateral horn neuron                        |
 |__adult lateral horn output neuron_____________|
adult interneuron                                |
 |__adult mushroom body output neuron____________|
 |__adult mushroom body modulatory input neuron__|
 |__adult lateral horn output neuron_____________|
 |__adult lateral horn input neuron______________|
adult aminergic neuron                           |
 |__adult serotonergic neuron____________________|
                                                 adult CSD interneuron  25 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a adult mushroom body output neuron
adult mushroom body modulatory input neuron
adult lateral horn output neuron
adult lateral horn input neuron
adult serotonergic neuron
Develops from larval serotonergic IP1 neuron 1
Part of adult brain
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