FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult cerebrum ID (Ontology) FBbt:00007050 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition The cerebral ganglion, minus the optic lobes. It includes part of the protocerebrum (without the optic lobes), the deutocerebrum and the tritocerebrum.[ FlyBase:FBrf0224194 ]
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       7
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       5
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 adult cerebrum (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       7      2      7     10
     adult cerebrum | cell non-autonomous | progressive       2       --       --       2
     adult cerebrum | male       1       --       --       1
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
adult brain
 |__adult central brain______
 |__adult cerebral ganglion__|
supraesophageal ganglion     |
 |__adult cerebral ganglion__|
nervous system               |
multi-tissue structure       |
central brain                |
 |__adult central brain______|
                             adult cerebrum  9986 rec.
                              |__adult central complex 3513 rec.
                              |   |__anterior chiasma of the central complex
                              |   |__asymmetrical body(+) 3 rec.
                              |   |__central body(+) 2986 rec.
                              |   |__nodulus(+) 671 rec.
                              |   |__posterior chiasma of the central complex
                              |   |__protocerebral bridge(+) 774 rec.
                              |__adult deutocerebrum 4990 rec.
                              |   |__adult antennal lobe(+) 4952 rec.
                              |   |__adult antennal lobe commissure(+) 25 rec.
                              |   |__adult deutocerebral commissure(+)
                              |   |__cantle 16 rec.
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult deutocerebrum(+) 3 rec.
                              |__adult mushroom body 5757 rec.
                              |   |__calyx of adult mushroom body(+) 169 rec.
                              |   |__lobe system of adult mushroom body(+) 2816 rec.
                              |   |__pedunculus of adult mushroom body(+) 53 rec.
                              |   |__spur of adult mushroom body 1 rec.
                              |__adult periesophageal neuropils 4439 rec.
                              |   |__cantle 16 rec.
                              |   |__flange 322 rec.
                              |   |__prow(+) 433 rec.
                              |   |__saddle(+) 3996 rec.
                              |__adult tritocerebrum 588 rec.
                              |   |__accessory pharyngeal nerve projection
                              |   |__anterior maxillary sensory center(+)
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult tritocerebrum
                              |   |__flange 322 rec.
                              |   |__prow(+) 433 rec.
                              |   |__stomodeal nerve projection(+)
                              |   |__tritocerebral center(+) 6 rec.
                              |__cell body rind of adult inferior neuropils
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult antler
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult crepine(+)
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult inferior bridge
                              |__cell body rind of adult mushroom body calyx 6 rec.
                              |   |__adult mushroom body cell body glial cell
                              |__cell body rind of adult posterior slope
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult inferior posterior slope
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult protocerebral bridge
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult superior posterior slope
                              |__cell body rind of adult superior intermediate protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult anterior superior intermediate protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult dorsal superior intermediate protocerebrum
                              |__cell body rind of adult superior lateral protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult anterior superior lateral protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult dorsal superior lateral protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult posterior superior lateral protocerebrum
                              |__cell body rind of adult superior medial protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult anterior superior medial protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult dorsal superior medial protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult posterior superior medial protocerebrum
                              |__cell body rind of adult ventral complex
                              |__cell body rind of adult ventrolateral protocerebrum
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult anterior ventrolateral protocerebrum(+)
                              |   |__cell body rind of adult posterior ventrolateral protocerebrum
                              |__cell body rind of adult wedge
                              |__inferior neuropils 4404 rec.
                              |   |__adult crepine(+) 55 rec.
                              |   |__antler 2729 rec.
                              |   |__clamp(+) 4339 rec.
                              |   |__inferior bridge 4 rec.
                              |__lateral complex 4931 rec.
                              |   |__adult lateral accessory lobe(+) 4281 rec.
                              |   |__bulb(+) 3596 rec.
                              |__superior neuropils 5178 rec.
                              |   |__superior intermediate protocerebrum(+) 3770 rec.
                              |   |__superior lateral protocerebrum(+) 4855 rec.
                              |   |__superior medial protocerebrum(+) 4605 rec.
                              |__ventrolateral neuropils 4897 rec.
                              |   |__anterior optic tubercle(+) 3094 rec.
                              |   |__optic glomerulus(+) 4 rec.
                              |   |__posterior lateral protocerebrum(+) 51 rec.
                              |   |__ventrolateral protocerebrum(+) 3627 rec.
                              |   |__wedge 137 rec.
                              |__ventromedial neuropils 154 rec.
                                  |__posterior slope(+) 36 rec.
                                  |__ventral complex(+) 126 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a ganglion
Part of adult central brain
adult cerebral ganglion
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