FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00003634 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Small field neuron of the central complex that connects a single glomerulus of the protocerebral bridge with a ventral region of one column of the fan-shaped body and a contralateral nodulus (Hanesch et al., 1989; Lin et al., 2015; Wolff et al., 2020; Hulse et al., 2021). These cells do not target protocerebral bridge glomerulus 1 (Wolff et al., 2015; Hulse et al., 2021). All subtypes follow a similar wiring pattern between protocerebral bridge glomeruli and fan-shaped body columns, with the cell of the most lateral glomerulus (G9) projecting to the ipsilateral lateral FB, and the cell of the most medial glomerulus (G2) projecting to the contralateral lateral FB (Wolff et al., 2015; Hulse et al., 2021).[ FlyBase:FBrf0049409 FlyBase:FBrf0221742 FlyBase:FBrf0227801 FlyBase:FBrf0254510 ]
Also Known As "pb-fb-no neuron" ; "PFN" ; "PFN neuron" (for all, see Synonyms field below)
Comment Lin et al. (2013) and Wolff et al. (2015) state that 'vertical fiber system' terminology of Hanesch et al. (1989) covers all subtypes of protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron. Wiring diagram of Hanesch et al. (1989) figure 5 does not fit more recent accounts of any subtypes (Wolff et al., 2015; Hulse et al., 2021).
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Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       4
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       3
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 Alleles  Insertions Constructs
 adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       4      1      1      8
     adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron | adult stage | decreased number       4       --       --       3
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
extrinsic neuron
 |__adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron__
 |__adult extrinsic nodulus neuron_______________|
 |__fan-shaped body extrinsic columnar neuron____|
small field neuron of the central complex        |
 |__fan-shaped body extrinsic columnar neuron____|
adult central complex neuron                     |
 |__adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron__|
 |__adult extrinsic nodulus neuron_______________|
fan-shaped body columnar neuron                  |
 |__fan-shaped body extrinsic columnar neuron____|
adult interneuron                                |
 |__adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron__|
 |__adult extrinsic nodulus neuron_______________|
                                                 adult protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron  83 rec.
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__adult protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                  |__protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron 20 rec.
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 dorsal domain neuron
                                                  |__protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron 14 rec.
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 2 ventral domain neuron
                                                  |__protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron 30 rec.
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 anterior domain neuron
                                                  |__protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron 25 rec.
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |   |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 medial domain neuron
                                                  |__protocerebral bridge 1 glomerulus-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron 33 rec.
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 2-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 3-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 4-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 5-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 6-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 7-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 8-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
                                                      |__protocerebral bridge glomerulus 9-fan-shaped body-nodulus 3 posterior domain neuron
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Is a adult extrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron
adult extrinsic nodulus neuron
fan-shaped body extrinsic columnar neuron
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