FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term mesothoracic neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00001985 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Any neuron (FBbt:00005106) that has its soma located in some mesothoracic segment (FBbt:00000018).
Also Known As "thoracic T2 neuron"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       1
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 Alleles Constructs
 mesothoracic neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       1      1
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
   |__thoracic neuron
       |__mesothoracic neuron  113 rec.
           |__adult dopaminergic mesothoracic neuron
           |   |__adult dopaminergic mesothoracic neuron a
           |   |__adult dopaminergic mesothoracic neuron b
           |   |__adult dopaminergic mesothoracic VUM neuron
           |__adult doublesex msA TN2 (male) neuron 1 rec.
           |__adult doublesex msB TN2 (male) neuron 6 rec.
           |__adult fruitless dMS1 neuron
           |__adult fruitless dMS2 neuron
           |__adult fruitless dMS3 neuron
           |__adult fruitless dMS4 neuron
           |__adult fruitless dMS5 neuron
           |__adult fruitless dMS6 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS1 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS2 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS3 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS4 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS5 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS6 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS7 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS8 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS9 neuron
           |__adult fruitless vMS10 neuron
           |__adult LUI14 neuron of ventral nerve cord 4 rec.
           |__adult mesothoracic histaminergic neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LBA22 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LBA68 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LBI65 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LBL9 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LBL19 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LBL34 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LBL52 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUI15 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUI22 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUL24 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUL55 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUL89 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUL130 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUL141 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUL152 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUL173 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic LUM9 neuron
           |__adult mesothoracic ventral unpaired median neuron
           |   |__adult mesothoracic VUM neuron 1
           |   |__adult mesothoracic VUM neuron 2
           |   |__adult mesothoracic VUM neuron 3
           |   |__adult mesothoracic VUM neuron 4
           |__adult mesothoracic VPM neuron 1
           |__adult pheromone-sensing neuron of mesothoracic leg
           |__adult TwoLumps ascending neuron 6 rec.
           |__allatostatin C-producing thoracic ganglion neuron 3 rec.
           |__bilateral campaniform sensillum neuron of mesothoracic leg
           |__dorsal tp motor neuron 6 rec.
           |__dorsal ventral indirect flight muscle motor neuron 1
           |__dorsal ventral indirect flight muscle motor neuron 2
           |__E-1 neuron
           |__E-2 neuron
           |__E-T neuron
           |__giant fiber coupled neuron 1 4 rec.
           |__giant fiber coupled neuron 2 1 rec.
           |__giant fiber coupled neuron 3 2 rec.
           |__larval DA1 motor neuron of mesothoracic neuromere
           |__larval Goro neuron 13 rec.
           |__larval mesothoracic Ap4 neuron
           |__larval mesothoracic CCAP neuron 2 rec.
           |__larval mesothoracic DC motor neuron
           |__larval mesothoracic dch3 neuron
           |__larval mesothoracic Keilin organ neuron 1 rec.
           |   |__mesothoracic vesA neuron 1 rec.
           |   |__mesothoracic vesB neuron 1 rec.
           |   |__mesothoracic vesC neuron 1 rec.
           |   |__mesothoracic vesD neuron 1 rec.
           |   |__mesothoracic vesE neuron 1 rec.
           |__larval mesothoracic multidendritic neuron
           |   |__mesothoracic dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaA
           |   |__mesothoracic dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaB
           |   |__mesothoracic dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC
           |   |__mesothoracic dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaD
           |   |__mesothoracic dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaE
           |   |__mesothoracic dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaF
           |   |__mesothoracic lateral multidendritic neuron ldaA
           |   |__mesothoracic lateral multidendritic neuron ldaB
           |   |__mesothoracic lateral multidendritic neuron ldaC
           |   |__mesothoracic lateral multidendritic neuron ldaD
           |   |__mesothoracic ventral' multidendritic neuron(+)
           |__larval mesothoracic T08x neuron
           |__larval mesothoracic T11v neuron
           |__larval mesothoracic VPM neuron
           |__larval mesothoracic VUM motor neuron
           |__larval recliner neuron 3 rec.
           |__larval Swallowtail neuron
           |__larval T07u neuron
           |__larval thoracic ladder-1 neuron 3 rec.
           |__mesothoracic desA neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic desB neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic desC neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic desD neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic desE neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic femoral chordotonal claw neuron
           |__mesothoracic femoral chordotonal club neuron
           |__mesothoracic femoral chordotonal hook neuron
           |   |__mesothoracic femoral chordotonal hook extension neuron
           |   |__mesothoracic femoral chordotonal hook flexion neuron
           |__mesothoracic leg muscle motor neuron 18 rec.
           |   |__adult octopaminergic mesothoracic leg muscle motor neuron
           |   |__tergotrochanter muscle motor neuron 18 rec.
           |__mesothoracic les3 neuron 2 rec.
           |__mesothoracic lesA neuron
           |__mesothoracic lesB neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic lesC neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic v'es3 neuron 2 rec.
           |__mesothoracic v'esA neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic v'esB neuron 1 rec.
           |__mesothoracic vch1 neuron
           |__mesothoracic ventral neurosecretory neuron
           |__peripherally synapsing interneuron 6 rec.
           |__sensory neuron of wing campaniform sensillum 5 rec.
           |   |__campaniform sensillum anterior crossvein neuron
           |   |__campaniform sensillum dorsal humeral crossvein neuron
           |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-1 of wing vein L3 neuron
           |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-2 of wing vein L3 neuron
           |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-3 of wing vein L3 neuron
           |   |__campaniform sensillum L3-v of wing vein L3 neuron
           |   |__campaniform sensillum ventral humeral crossvein neuron
           |   |__giant sensillum of the dorsal radius neuron
           |   |__twin sensillum of margin 1 neuron
           |   |__twin sensillum of margin 2 neuron
           |__serotonergic T2 neuron 3 rec.
           |   |__adult serotonergic T2 neuron 2 rec.
           |   |__larval serotonergic T2 neuron 1 rec.
           |__tpn motor neuron 3 rec.
           |__ventral tp motor neuron 8 rec.
           |__wing axillary muscle hg1 motor neuron 12 rec.
           |__wing axillary muscle I1 motor neuron
           |__wing axillary muscle I2 motor neuron 1 rec.
           |__wing axillary muscle III1 motor neuron 3 rec.
           |__wing axillary muscle III3 motor neuron
           |__wing basalar muscle b1 motor neuron 3 rec.
           |__wing basalar muscle b2 motor neuron 6 rec.
           |__wing basalar muscle b3 motor neuron
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a thoracic neuron
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  • "thoracic T2 neuron" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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