FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term larval imaginal tissue ID (Ontology) FBbt:00001760 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Imaginal tissue that is found in the larva and will develop into an adult structure during metamorphosis.[ FlyBase:FBrf0064789 ]
Also Known As "embryonic/larval imaginal precursor" ; "larval imaginal precursor"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
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Data Class Field Records
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 larval imaginal tissue (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      19      2
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
developing material anatomical entity  |
 |__imaginal tissue____________________|
                                       larval imaginal tissue  7582 rec.
                                        |__histoblast nest 110 rec.
                                        |   |__dorsal histoblast nest abdominal(+) 13 rec.
                                        |   |__histoblast 70 rec.
                                        |   |__spiracular histoblast nest abdominal(+) 2 rec.
                                        |   |__ventral histoblast nest abdominal(+) 4 rec.
                                        |__imaginal disc 7474 rec.
                                        |   |__antennal disc(+) 504 rec.
                                        |   |__anterior-posterior compartment boundary of imaginal disc(+) 172 rec.
                                        |   |__clypeo-labral disc(+) 7 rec.
                                        |   |__disc epithelium proper(+) 141 rec.
                                        |   |__dorsal thoracic disc(+) 3888 rec.
                                        |   |__dorsal-ventral compartment boundary of imaginal disc(+) 113 rec.
                                        |   |__eye disc(+) 2697 rec.
                                        |   |__eye-antennal disc(+) 3316 rec.
                                        |   |__genital disc(+) 145 rec.
                                        |   |__imaginal disc anterior compartment(+) 97 rec.
                                        |   |__imaginal disc dorsal compartment(+) 93 rec.
                                        |   |__imaginal disc posterior compartment(+) 359 rec.
                                        |   |__imaginal disc ventral compartment(+) 31 rec.
                                        |   |__labial disc(+) 33 rec.
                                        |   |__leg disc(+) 754 rec.
                                        |   |__peripodial epithelium(+) 98 rec.
                                        |__imaginal ring 90 rec.
                                        |   |__anal imaginal ring 1 rec.
                                        |   |__foregut imaginal ring(+) 34 rec.
                                        |   |__larval hindgut imaginal ring 26 rec.
                                        |   |__salivary gland imaginal ring 40 rec.
                                        |__midgut imaginal island 38 rec.
                                            |__anterior midgut imaginal island
                                            |__peripheral cell 5 rec.
                                            |__posterior midgut imaginal island
Spanning Tree View Settings
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hide Relationships
Is a imaginal tissue
Develops from embryonic imaginal tissue
Part of larva
hide Synonyms & Secondary IDs
  • "embryonic/larval imaginal precursor" EXACT
    "larval imaginal precursor" EXACT
Secondary IDs
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